- The Nail that Sticks Out: Corporate Social Responsibility and Shareholder Proposals (with Feng Gao and Michael Barnett). Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming 2023.
- Shiller’s CAPE: Market Timing and Risk (with Prem Jain). The Financial Review 53, 2018.
- Impact of the Dodd-Frank Act on Credit Ratings (with Darius Palia and Leo Tang), Journal of Financial Economics, 2015.
- It’s Showtime: Do Managers Report Better News before Annual Shareholder Meetings? (with Prem Jain), Journal of Accounting Research, 2011.
- Sell on the News: Differences of Opinion, Short-Sales Constraints, and Returns around Earnings Announcements (with Henk Berkman, Prem Jain, Paul Koch, and Sheri Tice), Journal of Financial Economics, 2009.
- The Value Relevance of Changes in Financial Leverage Beyond Growth in Asses and GAAP Earnings (with Prem Jain), Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 2008.
- Reference-Day Risk: Observations and Extensions (with Suresh Govindaraj), Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 2007.
- Corporate Diversification and Credit Constraints: Real Effects across the Business Cycle (with Sheri Tice), Review of Financial Studies, 2006.
- Recapitalization of Once Class of Common Stock into Dual Class: Growth and Long-run Stock Returns (with Prem Jain), Journal of Corporate Finance, 2006.