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Office Hours for Fall 2023 Semester is by Appointment Only

Weijie Song (Ph.D. Columbia University; Peking University) is an Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Rutgers University. His research interests include modern and contemporary Chinese literature and film, urban imagination, martial arts narratives, popular culture, environmental humanities, comparative imagology, as well as Sinophone and diaspora studies.

He is the author of Mapping Modern Beijing: Space, Emotion, Literary Topography (Oxford University Press, 2017) and the author, in Chinese, of From Entertainment Activity to Utopian Impulse: Rereading Jin Yong’s Martial Arts Fiction (1999; revised and enlarged edition, forthcoming) and China, Literature, and the United States: Images of China in American and Chinese-American Novel and Drama (2003). His current research projects include “Ide(c)ology: Environmental Objects and Chinese Ecocriticism,” “Chivalrous Psychogeography: Martial Arts, Avant-garde, Sinophone Cinema,” and “Reviving Northeast China: Contemporary Literature and Film Beyond the Great Wall.”

He is the editor of Selected Works of Xu Dishan (1997, 2000, 2008, 2010, 2011), co-editor of Environmental Humanities, Ecocriticism, Nature Writing (with Yu-lin Lee, 2019), Northeast China Studies (with Xuexin Zhang, 2021), and Northeast China Reader (with David Der-wei Wang, work in progress), as well as the Chinese translator or co-translator of Repressed Modernities (2003, 2005, 2007, 2011), Translingual Practice (2002, 2008, 2014, 2022), Comparative Poetics (1998, 2004), The Structural Transformation of Public Sphere (1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005), Understanding Popular Culture (2001, 2006), and After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism (2010).


著有Mapping Modern Beijing: Space, Emotion, Literary Topography(测绘现代北京:空间,情感,文学地形图,牛津大学,2017),《中国•文学•美国:美国小说戏剧中的中国形象》(花城,2003),《从娱乐行为到乌托邦冲动:金庸小说再解读》(江苏人民,1999;麦田,增订版,即出)。新研究计划包括Ide(c)ology: Environmental Objects and Chinese Ecocriticism(意识形[生]态:环境物象与中国生态批评),Chivalrous Psychogeography: Martial Arts, Avant-garde, Sinophone Cinema(侠义心理地理:武侠片,先锋派,华语电影),Reviving Northeast China: Contemporary Literature and Film Beyond the Great Wall(东北•文艺•复兴:当代关外文学电影)。

编有《春桃——许地山文集》(华夏,1997,2000,2008,2010, 2011),合编有《环境人文、生态批评、自然书写》(与李育霖,中国现代文学,2019)、《东北研究》(与张学昕,中国现代文学,2021)、《东北读本》(与王德威,进行中)。翻译有《被压抑的现代性:晚清小说新论》(麦田,2003,2007,2011;北京大学,2005),合译有《跨语际实践》(与孟悦、桑梓兰等,三联,2002,2008,2014, 2022)、《比较诗学》(与王宇根等,中央编译,1998,2004)、《公共领域的结构转型》(与曹卫东、王晓珏、刘北成,学林,1999,2000,2002,2004;联经,2000, 2002,2005)、《理解大众文化》(与王晓珏,中央编译,2001,2006)、《大分裂之后:现代主义,大众文化,后现代主义》(与王晓珏,麦田,2010)等。