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Christian Pittari


I am not so different; I am you if you gave up.

I see you standing there, pen in hand, staring out the window.

You belong out there in the green mountains with red foxes,

With hunting dogs that chase squirrels up trees.

The only separation between us is your perseverance and this screen door,

I see right through you.

Your soul is in those hills, bury it there.

Then you will find serenity.


Christian Pittari  is a Psychology major with a double minor in Entrepreneurship and Creative Writing, class of 2023. Christian writes, “I grew up mostly in Millstone, NJ, but I’ve resided in Marlboro, NJ, since 2014. I never thought I’d like writing poetry since I always struggled in English class growing up. I’m happy to have found a new hobby and passion all because I took one course for an SAS requirement.”  Christian wrote this piece in a Creative Writing Poetry course taught by Joanna Fuhrman in the Spring of 2021. Fuhrman selected the piece for publication in WHR.