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Shruti Shah


as the night fell silent the phone rang

sweetly calling my name

i imagined picking it up and hearing her soft melodious voice

but the full moon looked me in the eye as it called upon the sun 

i’ll call her back in a minute or two

days passed and the phone rang again

my head heavy with guilt and exhaustion

i let the ringing disappear into the darkness once again

i needed a minute to decompress

it rang again with urgency 

she never called more than once

the voice that answered sent chills down my spine

it was harsh and made me lose my breath

the voice I loved and craved had left

to sing to the ears of another up above


Shruti Shah expects to graduate in 2024 with a degree in genetics. Her hometown is East Brunswick. Shruti writes, “I took creative writing fall semester of my junior year with Professor Haber. Creative writing was a great way to relieve stress. I ended up learning a lot more about myself and the type of writing I enjoy.”

Professor Haber selected Shruti’s poem for inclusion in WHR.