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Justin Capra


Many people turn out better than they predicted

Many know that ruin comes in things looked forward to

Many people are hedgehogs and for myself the same is true

Many people let themselves be underestimated

Many people create walls to keep themselves

Many people don’t ask, know why they’re anxious or in pain

Or what they’re excited about currently

Many people chase false excitement through a meaningless smorgasbord

Many are someone’s muse

Many chase true excitement after life flashes right before their eyes

Many people are sparks making some kind of impact

Many give thanks for being happy again

Many more people are not her

Many haven’t gone through what she has

Many people cannot make loose tea nor dress like the 1950s

Can’t say thank you in a private space and say you’re the sweet one

Make someone else feel safe



Justin Capra is a writer and aspiring journalist based in N.J. where he was born, and has spent much of his life “generally knowing what to do on a day-to-day basis.” He graduated from Rutgers in May 2022. He has written stories about news, social impact startups, and wellbeing.