How the Sky Chose to Hug Me That Day
By Sam Sobel
I laid on the asphalt like an egg sizzling
In the Florida heat. In the Florida rain
I had drowned in a plastic poncho
Comforted (in secret) by the cling of clear cloth
That hugged and hydrated me.
The ground was far from smooth;
Looking up I made snow-angels in the rocks
Just to see the red on my arms.
The blue of the sky drowned in the whites of my eyes.
I wanted to be like the world of color that Disney was,
But I didn’t know then that color wasn’t supposed to hurt.
My family (meanwhile) kept walking.
Sam’s Bio:
Sobel is studying English with a double minor in Creative Writing and German. When he isn’t writing poetry, he is reading and getting adjusted to going to an online university.