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Michael Gibbons


Michael is a sophomore majoring in Electrical Engineering. In his free time, he loves to ski, travel, golf, and woodwork.

Aaron Clarion

Vice President

Aaron is a junior in Computer Engineering. Aside from his schoolwork, Aaron’s interests include drawing, writing, and photography.

Hailen Arp


Hailen is a sophomore studying Sports Management and Geography. He likes to spend his time hiking, gardening and playing basketball.

Gabe Endres

Family Coordinator

Gabe is a first year in Biomedical Engineering. He loves to golf, ski, and hang out with his friends.

Ananya Shinde


Ananya is a first year majoring in Biomedical Engineering. She enjoys dance, photography, and travel.

Gaby Gotesman

Social Chair

Gaby is a first year studying Mechanical Engineering. She likes to paint, read, and play volleyball.

Mira Varadachari

Social Chair

Mira is a first year studying Biomedical Engineering. In her free time, she like to watch TV, do art, or be outdoors.

Ilisha Gomes

Fundraising Chair

Ilisha is a first year studying Computer Engineering. Most days, she can be found singing or reading.

Jason Ho

Fundraising Chair

Jason is a first year in Mechanical Engineering. He likes to surf, backpack, and play sports.

Bensu Urganci

EGC Representative

Bensu is a first year majoring in Aerospace Engineering. She enjoys hanging out with friends, the theater and traveling.