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Rutgers University Community Repository: RUCore








undergraduate authors, (*) – denotes corresponding authors

Articles at Rutgers University (9)

  1. Hydrothermal Growth and Characterization of Large Rb2SnBr6 Double Perovskite Crystals: A Promising Semiconductor Material for Photocatalysis and Optoelectronics Rahidul Hasan, Hafiz Zohaib Aslam, Rutva Joshi, Roger Lalancette, Georgiy Akopov* Dalton Trans. 2025 (Invited article), 54, 3796 – 3803;
  2. Interplay of 3d and 4f Magnetism in Chiral Y6FeSi2S14 and Tb6FeSi2S14 Chalcogenides Eranga H. Gamage, Nethmi W. Hewage, Ernesto Soto, Hafiz Zohaib Aslam, Jaeil Bai, Ahmad Alsaad, Gayatri Viswanathan, Philip Yox, V. Ovidiu Garlea, Saeed Kamali, Stuart Calder, Yaroslav Mudryk, Vladimir Antropov, Renat Sabirianov, Georgiy Akopov,* and Kirill Kovnir* Chem. Mater. 2025, 37, 1160−1173;
  3. Enhancement of crystal growth in molten salts by co-crystallization agent: Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Ce3+ and Eu2+-doped La3(SiS4)2I Rahidul Hasan, Hafiz Zohaib Aslam, Nethmi W. Hewage, Ernesto Soto, Roger A. Lalancette, Georgiy Akopov* Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 23514-23523;
  4. FeSi4P4 and CoSi3P3: Hidden Gems of Ternary Tetrel Pnictides with Outstanding Non-Linear Optical Properties Ernesto Soto, Shannon Lee, Andrew Porter, Gayatri Viswanathan, Georgiy Akopov, Nethmi Hewage, Kui Wu, Victor Trinquet, Guillaume Brunin, Geoffrey Hautier, Gian-Marco Rignanese, Aaron J. Rossini, Kirill Kovnir* Chem. Mater. 2024, 36, 8854 – 8863 (Cover Image);
  5. Hardening in Tungsten Tetraboride with the Addition of Carbon, Zirconium and Silicon: Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Effects Georgiy Akopov*; Shanlin Hu; Kirill Shumilov; Spencer Hamilton; Lisa Pangilinan; Zerina Mehmedović; Hang Yin; Paul Robinson; Inwhan Roh; Abby Kavner; Anastassia Alexandrova*; Sarah Tolbert*; Richard Kaner* Chem. Mater. 2024, 36, 7, 3233-3245;
  6. Advances in Solid-State Nonlinear Optical Materials: From Fundamentals to Applications Hafiz Zohaib Aslam, Joseph T. Doane, Michael T. Yeung*, Georgiy Akopov* ACS Appl. Opt. Mater. 2023, 1, 12, 1898–1921 (Review Article);
  7. Synthesis of Chiral High-Entropy Sulfides for the Non-Linear Optical Applications Nethmi Hewage, Gayatri Viswanathan, Philip Yox, Kui Wu, Kirill Kovnir*, Georgiy Akopov* Inorg. Chem. Front. 2023, 10, 6613-6621;
  8. Probing of the Noninnocent Role of P in Transition-Metal Phosphide Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalysts via Replacement with Electropositive Si Seongyoung Kong, Prashant Singh, Georgiy Akopov, Dapeng Jing, Ryan Davis, Jorge Pere-Aguilar, Jiyun Hong, Shannon J. Lee, Gayatri Viswanathan, Ernesto Soto, Muhammad Azhan, Tiago Fernandes, Stasia Harycki, Alexander Gundlach-Graham, Yury V. Kolen’ko, Duane D. Johnson, and Kirill Kovnir*, Chem. Mater. 2023, 35, 14, 5300-5310;
  9. IrSi3As3: a first transition metal arsenide non-linear optical material Shannon J. Lee, Georgiy Akopov, Adedoyin N. Adeyemi, Ernesto Soto, Kui Wu, Kirill Kovnir* J. Mater. Chem. A 2023, 11, 11767-11772;

Articles Prior to Rutgers University (25)

  1. Machine Learning-Guided Discovery of Ternary Compounds Containing La, P, and Group 14 Elements Huaijun Sun, Chao Zhang, Weiyi Xia, Ling Tang, Renhai Wang, Georgiy Akopov, Nethmi W. Hewage, Kai-Ming Ho, Kirill Kovnir, Cai-Zhuang Wang* Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 42, 16699–16706;
  2. Effective Liquid Metal Seeds for Silver Nanovines Cheng-Wei Lin, Logan A. Stewart, Sichen Zhao, Georgiy Akopov, Reza Mohammadi, Michael T. Yeung, Paul S. Weiss, Richard B. Kaner* Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2022, e202200067;
  3. Non-Linear Optical Properties of the (RE)3CuGeS7 Family of Compounds Georgiy Akopov, Nethmi W Hewage, Gayatri Viswanathan, Philip Yox, Kui Wu, Kirill Kovnir* Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2022, e202200096;
  4. Pd and octahedra do not get along: Square planar [PdS4] units in non-centrosymmetric La6PdSi2S14 Georgiy Akopov, Gayatri Viswanathan, Nethmi W. Hewage, Philip Yox, Kui Wu, Kirill Kovnir* J. Alloys Compd. 2022, 902, 163756;
  5. Add a Pinch of Tetrel: The Transformation of Centrosymmetric RhP3 into a Nonsymmorphic, Chiral Narrow Gap Semiconductor Shannon J. Lee, Gayatri Viswanathan, Scott L. Carnahan, Colin P. Harmer, Georgiy Akopov, Aaron J. Rossini, Gordon J. Miller, and Kirill Kovnir* Chem. Eur. J. 2022, e202104319;
  6. Synthesis-Enabled Exploration of Chiral and Polar Multivalent Quaternary Sulfides Georgiy Akopov, Nethmi W. Hewage, Philip Yox, Gayatri Viswanathan, Shannon J. Lee, Liam P. Hulsebosch, Sarah D. Cady, Alexander L. Paterson, Frédéric A. Perras, Wenqian Xu, Kui Wu, Yaroslav Mudryk, Kirill Kovnir* Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 14718-14730 (Cover Image);
  7. Third time’s the charm: Intricate non-centrosymmetric polymorphism in LnSiP3 (Ln = La and Ce) induced by distortions of phosphorus square layers Georgiy Akopov, Justin Mark, Gayatri Viswanathan, Shannon J. Lee, Brennan C. McBrideJuyeon Won, Frédéric A. Perras, Alexander L. Paterson, Adedoyin N. Adeyemi, Feng Zhang, Cai-Zhuang Wang, Kai-Ming Ho, Gordon J. Miller, Kirill Kovnir* Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 6463-6476 (Cover Image);
  8. Noncentrosymmetric Tetrel Pnictides RuSi4P4 and IrSi3P3: Nonlinear Optical Materials with Outstanding Laser Damage Threshold Shannon Lee, Scott Carnahan, Georgiy Akopov, Philip Yox, Lin-Lin Wang, Aaron Rossini, Kui Wu, Kirill Kovnir* Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2010293;
  9. New Noncentrosymmetric Tetrel Pnictides composed of Square‐Planar Au (I) with Peculiar Bonding Shannon J Lee, Juyeon Won, Lin-Lin Wang, Dapeng Jing, Colin P Harmer, Justin Mark, Georgiy Akopov, Kirill Kovnir* Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 7383-7390 (Cover Image);
  10. Synthesis, Crystal and Electronic Structure of La2SiP4 Georgiy Akopov, Gayatri Viswanathan, Kirill Kovnir* Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2021 647, 91-97;
  11. Synthesis and Characterization of Single Phase Metal Dodecaboride Solid Solutions: Zr1-xYxB12 and Zr1-xUxB12 Georgiy Akopov, Wai H. Mak, Dimitrios Koumoulis, Hang Yin, Bryan Owens-Baird, Michael T. Yeung, Mit H. Muni, Shannon Lee, Inwhan RohZachary C. Sobell, Paula L. Diaconescu, Reza Mohammadi, Kirill A. Kovnir* and Richard B. Kaner* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019 141, 22, 9047-9062;
  12. Radial X-Ray Diffraction Study of Superhard Early Transition Metal Dodecaborides under High Pressure Jialin Lei, Georgiy Akopov, Michael T. Yeung, Jinyuan Yan, Abby Kavner, Richard B. Kaner*, and Sarah H. Tolbert* Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1900293;
  13. Superhard Tungsten Diboride-Based Solid Solutions Lisa E. Pangilinan, Christopher L. Turner, Georgiy Akopov, Mackenzie Anderson, and Richard B. Kaner* Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57 (24), 15305–15313;
  14. Investigation of Hardness of Ternary Borides of the YCrB4, Y2ReB6, Y3ReB7 and YMo3B7 Types Georgiy Akopov, Hang YinInwhan Roh, Lisa E. Pangilinan, Michael T. Yeung, and Richard B. Kaner* Chem. Mater. 2018,30 (18), 6494–6502;
  15. Superhard Metal Borides – A Look Forward Georgiy Akopov, Lisa E. Pangilinan, Reza Mohammadi, Richard B. Kaner* APL Materials 2018, 6, 070901 (Invited Perspective; Featured Article APL MaterialsHighlight in Scilight 16 July 2018);
  16. Investigation of Ternary Metal Dodecaborides (M1M2M3)B12 (M1, M2 and M3 = Zr, Y, Hf and Gd) Georgiy Akopov, Inwhan RohZachary C. Sobell, Michael T. Yeung, and Richard B. Kaner* Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 6683-6691(Cover Image);
  17. Effects of Dodecaboride Forming Metals on the Properties of Superhard Tungsten Tetraboride Georgiy Akopov, Michael T. Yeung, Inwhan RohZachary C. SobellHang Yin, Wai H. Mak, Saeed I. Khan, and Richard B. Kaner* Chem. Mater. 2018, 30(10), 3559–3570;
  18. Effects of Variable Boron Concentration on the Properties of Superhard Tungsten Tetraboride Georgiy Akopov, Michael T. Yeung, Inwhan RohZachary C. Sobell, Lisa Pangilinan, Christopher L. Turner, and Richard B. Kaner* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017 139 (47), 17120–17127;
  19. Furthering Our Understanding of the Doping Mechanism in Conjugated Polymers Using Tetraaniline Cheng-Wei Lin, Rebecca L. Li, Shauna Robbennolt, Michael T. Yeung, Georgiy Akopov, Richard B. Kaner* Macromolecules 2017, 50 (15), 5892-5897;
  20. Rediscovering the Crystal Chemistry of Borides Georgiy Akopov, Michael T. Yeung, Richard B. Kaner* Adv. Mater. 2017, 29(21), 1604506 (Review Article);
  21. Superhard W0.5Ta0.5B nanowires prepared at ambient pressure Michael T. Yeung, Georgiy Akopov, Cheng-Wei Lin, Daniel J. King, Rebecca L. LiZachary C. Sobell, Reza Mohammadi, Richard B. Kaner* Appl. Phys. Lett. 2016, 109 (20), 203107 (Cover image 14 November 2016, Editor’s Pick, and featured by APL);
  22. Stabilization of LnB12 (Ln = Gd, Sm, Nd, and Pr) in Zr1–xLnxB12 under Ambient Pressure Georgiy Akopov, Zachary C. Sobell, Michael T. Yeung, Richard B. Kaner* Inorg. Chem. 201655 (23), 12419–12426;
  23. Superhard Mixed Metal Dodecaborides Georgiy Akopov, Michael T. Yeung, Zachary C. Sobell, Christopher L. Turner, Cheng-Wei Lin, Richard B. Kaner* Chem. Mater. 2016, 28 (18), 6605-6612;
  24. Stabilization of HfB12 in Y1-xHfxB12 Under Ambient Pressure Georgiy Akopov, Michael T. Yeung, Christopher L. Turner, Rebecca L. Li, and Richard B. Kaner* Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55 (10), 5051-5055;
  25.  Extrinsic Hardening of Superhard Tungsten Tetraboride Alloys with Group 4 Transition Metals Georgiy Akopov, Michael T. Yeung, Christopher L. Turner, Reza Mohammadi, and Richard B. Kaner* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138 (17), 5714–5721 (Highlight).

Book Chapters

  1. Lisa E. Pangilinan, Shanlin Hu, Georgiy Akopov, Sabina C. Cabrera, Michael T. Yeung, Reza Mohammadi, Sarah H. Tolbert, and Richard B. Kaner (2021). Superhard Materials: Advances in the Search and Synthesis of New Materials In Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, R.A. Scott (Ed.)


  1. “Binder composition of tungsten tetraboride and abrasive methods thereof”, Jack Kavanaugh, Richard B. Kaner, Chris Turner, Georgiy Akopov; Patent issued Sep. 12, 2023, Patent No. US 11,752,593B2;
  2. “Metal borides and uses thereof”, Christopher L. Turner, Richard B. Kaner, Georgiy Akopov, Michael T. Yeung; Patent issued Jun. 6, 2023, Patent No. US 11,667,535B2;
  3. “Mixed metal dodecaborides and uses thereof”, Richard B. Kaner, Georgiy Akopov, Michael T. yeung, Christopher L. Turner, Zachary C. Sobell, Cheng-Wei Lin; Patent issued Nov. 11, 2021, Patent No. US 11,168,001B2;
  4. “Binder composition of tungsten tetraboride and abrasive methods thereof”, Jack Kavanaugh, Richard B. Kaner, Chris Turner, Georgiy Akopov; Patent issued Jun. 15, 2021, Patent No. US 11,033,998B2;