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Gavin Rockwood

(PhD student)

Gavin is a PhD student at Rutgers, arriving after completing his undergraduate studies at the University of California Santa Cruz in astrophysics, high energy theory and mathematics. His overarching research interests are in mathematical physics and he is currently studying measures of entanglement in 1+1D Conformal Field Theories.

Madhav Sinha

(PhD student)

Madhav Sinha is currently a second-year graduate student at Rutgers, arriving here after completing his integrated bachelor’s and master’s degree in Physics from IISER Pune. He is interested in understanding Quantum Field Theories, in particular, Conformal Field Theory, and exploring its interplay with Condensed matter systems, Math, and Quantum Information.

David Rogerson

(PhD student)

David is a first-year Ph.D. student at Rutgers. During his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physics at the Technical University of Munich, he developed a passion for numerical methods aimed to study quantum many-body systems. He is especially interested in using these mostly tensor network-based tools to better understand quantum entanglement and its behavior in different phases of matter. Apart from that, he has a growing interest in the modification of these algorithms to make use of future quantum computation hardware.

Chris Lamb

(PhD student)

Chris Lamb is currently a first-year graduate student in the Physics department’s master’s program. He completed his undergraduate degree at Rutgers University in astrophysics, and his research interests are in the connections between quantum information and cosmology, specifically black holes. He is currently studying measuring entanglement entropy using superconducting qubits.


  1. Hiromi Ebisu (former postdoc, now at Kyoto)
  2. Victor Drouin-Touchette (former postdoc, now at PASQAL and U. Sherbrooke)
  3. Rob Davis (former MS student, now PhD student at Rutgers)
  4. Sameer Erramilli (former undergraduate student, now MS student at Cambridge)
  5. Prathu Narasimhan (former MS student)
  6. Debendro Mookerjee (former MS student)