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The Mathematics Colloquium at Rutgers-Newark



The Colloquium of the Mathematics Department of Rutgers-Newark takes places on every Wednesday, from 4pm-5pm, either in person at 204 Smith Hall, 101 Warren St., or via Zoom. All are welcome.



Date Speaker
Sep 15 No talk
Sep 22 No talk
Sep 29 Wenshuai Jiang

(Zhejiang University)

Gromov-Hausdorff limit of manifolds and some applications
Oct 6
Kewei Zhang

(Beijing Normal University)

Moser-Trudinger type inequalities on compact Kahler manifolds
Oct 13 Freid Tong


Uniform estimates for complex Monge-Ampere and fully nonlinear equations
Oct 15 Yiannis Sakellaridis

(Johns Hopkins University)

Periods, L-functions, and a duality of Hamiltonian spaces
Oct 20 Naihuan Jing

(NC State University)

Yangians and their presentations
Oct 27 No talk
Nov 3 No talk
Nov 10 Spencer Leslie

(Duke University)

Periods of automorphic forms and endoscopy
Nov 17 Qingyuan Jiang

(The University of Edinburgh)

Derived projectivizations of two-term complexes
Nov 24 No Talk. Happy Thanksgiving!
Dec 1 Chengming Bai

(Nankai University)

An introduction to pre-Lie algebras with some recent progress
Dec 8 Sylvie Paycha

(Universität Potsdam)

From principal bundles with connections to groupoids with directconnections: the case of jet groupoids
Jan 18 Kyle Hayden

(Columbia University)

Braids and badly behaved surfaces
Jan 20 Christine Ruey Shan Lee

(University of South Alabama)

Quantum knot invariants and low-dimensional topology
Jan 24 Vesselin Dimitrov

(University of Toronto)

Is there a smallest algebraic integer?
Jan 25 Ying Anna Pun

(University of Virginia)

Symmetric functions — a gem in algebraic combinatorics
Jan 27 Andrea Tamburelli

(Rice University)

Thurston boundary for higher Teichmuller spaces
Feb 16 Marc Lackenby

(University of Oxford)

Recognising the unknot
Feb 23 Bin Zhang

(Sichuan University)

Renormalization of Feynman amplitudes on Riemannian manifolds
Mar 2 Wen-Wei Li

(Peking University)

Differential operators in representation theory for Lie groups
Mar 9 Radmila Sazdanovic

(NC State University)

Linearizations of category of 2D cobordisms and generalizations of the Deligne category
Mar 16 No talk. Happy spring break!
Mar 23 Boyu Zhang

(Princeton University)

The smooth closing lemma for area-preserving surface diffeomorphisms
Mar 30 Ao Sun

(University of Chicago)

Dynamics of Singularities of Mean Curvature Flow
Apr 6 Bin Xu

(Tsinghua University)

ABV-packets for unramified principal series of p-adic general linear groups and Lusztig’s semicanonical bases
Apr 13 Xin Fu

(UC Irvine)

Neck region in geometric problems
Apr 20 Chao-Ming Lin

(UC Irvine)

The deformed Hermitian—Yang—Mills equation, the Positivstellensatz, and the Solvability
Apr 27 William Goldman

(University of Maryland)

Dynamics and the classification of geometric structures on surfaces