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Industry support

To advance research and address critical issues within the turfgrass industry and your community, we seek partners willing to support our team. Please contact Ming-Yi directly if you are interested in exploring the partnership. Turfgrass research is underfunded at the federal level. The annual cost for non-federally funded positions is currently ~$90K for a graduate student and ~$120K for a postdoctoral researcher, not including experimental expenses. These costs are projected to rise due to inflation and higher and higher fringe rate each year at Rutgers.

Visiting scholars

My team welcomes visiting scholars from around the world. We are happy to collaborate and write support letters or grant proposals for visiting scholarships.


Open positions will be posted on this website, Rutgers job site, and on X (@TurfgrassChou). If you have groundbreaking ideas or funding of your own, please email Ming-Yi with a statement of research and CV. (Will not respond to canned message)

Graduate students

We usually recruit students from the pool of Rutgers Plant Biology graduate program. Open positions will be posted on this website, and on X (@TurfgrassChou). If you have your own funding (i.e. governmental or Fulbright), please email Ming-Yi. (Will not respond to canned message)

Undergraduate students

We constantly have undergraduate researcher and summer hourly positions opening. Please email Ming-Yi to inquire.