The Chou lab receives strong internal support from the Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Laboratory (directed by Rich Buckley and Sabrina Tirpak) and the faculty and staff of the Center for Turfgrass Science. We also thank not-for-profit entities including NJ Department of Agriculture, New Jersey Turfgrass Association and Foundation, Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey and Foundation, Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, USGA, and numerous external collaborators who support our research and extension missions through contract work, research collaborations, competitive grants, and gifts and material donations. We are deeply grateful for your support, without which we would not be where we are today. The following is not an exhaustive list but highlights our most recent supporters:
AMVAC, BASF, Bethpage Golf Course, Charleston Springs Golf Course South, Coombs Sod Farms, Corteva, DLF USA Inc, Envu, FMC, Gowan, Grass Roots Turf Products, Harrell’s, Hominy Hill Golf Club, Jersey Seed Inc., Intelligro, Metuchen Golf and Country Club, Neshanic Valley Golf Course, Niacet, NuFarm, PBI Gordon, Peace Pipe Country Club, Plant Food Company, Prime Source (Albaugh), Pure Seed, Sipcam Agro USA Inc, Stanton Ridge Golf and Country Club, Syngenta, Tuckahoe Turf Farms, and Vista Seed Partners.