Product evaluation
We evaluate the efficacy of turfgrass disease control products in the lab, controlled environment, and field. We can accommodate trials on the following diseases:
Anthracnose, Blue-green algae, Brown patch, Brown ring patch, Dollar spot, Fairy ring, Gray leaf spot, Leaf spots, Pythium leaf blight, Red thread, Snow molds, Summer patch, and Take-all patch. Learn more here!
Turfgrass disease risk evaluation
Foliar diseases: We developed turfgrass disease risk evaluation assay by quantifying foliar pathogen population using mowing clippings. This assay can provide valuable information on disease risks for Anthracnose, Brown patch, Dollar spot and Gray leaf spot, and infer specific fungicide efficacy in your facility. This service requires repeated sampling but provide information that is specific to your facility and allows tailored fungicide programming.
Root diseases: We have observed widespread atypical root pathogens and disease complex that cause disease symptoms resemble take-all patch and summer patch (confirmed in 8 states). These emerging pathogens and disease complex often require different fungicide timing and may have different fungicide sensitivity from traditional take-all and summer patch causal agents. It is critical to be clear of what you have before designing an effective preventative fungicide program. Our lab now empowers the Rutgers Plant Diagnostic lab to provide root pathogen profiling services, so you know what pathogens you are facing and how to combat them. Get in touch with the Rutgers Plant Diagnostic lab to coordinate your samples for testing early in the shoulder seasons (i.e. March and Sept.)!
Turfgrass disease management consultation
We offer turf disease management programming consultation in any form – site visit, fungicide program development, implementing disease risk evolution tools for your facility. The Chou lab does not diagnose your turf samples. Rutgers plant diagnostic lab can meet your disease diagnosis needs, and our lab works closely with them to provide add-on services to identify non-traditional pathogens. Learn more here!
Dr. Chou presents on various topics surrounding turfgrass disease management. Some examples include latest findings on fungicide efficacy trials, best practices for dollar spot control, and cultivation of disease suppressive microbial community. Learn more here!
Customized services
Customized services may include but not limit to site visit, disease control programming, and functional microbial community analysis. Please send an email for specific inquiries.