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The Chou lab operates the largest turfgrass disease control product efficacy evaluation program of its kind in the U.S. (~500 entries/year). Common products include synthetic fungicides, biological agents, experimental agents, adjuvants, and fertilizers. We trial products in the greenhouse and in the field on turf managed as golf course putting greens, fairways, roughs, homelawns, and sports fields with diseases including dollar spot, anthracnose, brown patch, brown ring patch, leaf spot, gray leaf spot, Pythium blight, take-all patch, summer patch, snow molds, and red thread. Whether your products are early in the developmental pipeline, ready to hit the market, or commercially available, we can handle them. 

Please email Dr. Chou at or Kyle Genova at for more information.


Anthracnose trial on a Poa putting green – showcase during Rutgers turf field day 2024

Gray leaf spot trial on a perennial ryegrass field at rough height

Pink snow mold trial on a bentgrass fairway at a private golf club