Initially, we were recruiting students from New Jersey, but are now opening recruitment to the entire USA.
The study is for students enrolled in postsecondary vocational or trade school programs (beyond high school) that identify having a mental health condition (PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc.). These students can be from any state in the USA and they will be paid during their time in the study. If they are currently receiving services, they can continue with those as this study will not replace them.
WHY IS THIS STUDY IMPORTANT? Students that deal with anxiety or other invisible mental conditions often struggle in silence to get through academic programs. This can trickle into their future jobs or career prospects. This study aims to help support students that identify as having invisible mental conditions, in completing their academic coursework and leading to gainful employment. During the study, the feedback we receive from students will help us create a guide that can be used by future students, professors, employers, and serve as an important mental support resource.
For full details, please see the flyer.