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[65] “Überlebensformen: Kafka und das Problem der Endlichkeit,” Lecture and Book Presentation, Department of German, University of Vienna, June 2024.

[64] “The Lack of Philology,” Time and Language: An Encounter Between Philosophy and Philology, Conference, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Los Angeles, May 2024.

[63] “The Shattered Referent,” Crises of Verse, Symposium, Departments of German and Comparative Literature, Brown University, April 2024.

[62] “Life Sentences,” The Afterness of Living On: Toward a Poetics and Politics of Survival, Symposium, Department of German, Brown University, October 2023.

[61] “A Certain Measure,” Roundtable on Gerhard Richter’s Book Das Überleben überleben, Department of German, Brown University, October 2023.

[60] “Sticks and Stones,” Verletzbarkeit: Strukturelle Gewalt und Affekte in der Literatur, University of Zurich, April 2023.

[59] “Mouthing off; or, Das Ganze des Gedichts,” Book Launch of Michael Levine’s Interventionen: Die Dichtung Paul Celans, Department of German, Russian, and East European Languages and Literatures, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, February 2023.

[58] “Bones of Contention: On Bodies Broken and Unbroken (in Bachmann and Beyond),” Department of German Studies, Brown University, November 2022.

[57] “Disseminar,” GSA Panel Series: Sensus Non-communis, Houston, TX, September 2022.

[56] “Garden Songs,” ACLA Seminar: Political Botanies, June 2022 [Zoom].

[55] “Kant avec Musil: Törleß und die Szene des Lesens,” Musil und die Psychologie, Musil Institut, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, November 2021 [Zoom].

[54] “Abuser’s Manual: On Reading and Violence,” Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, The Johns Hopkins University, October 2021 [Zoom].

[53] “Allegories of Breeding,” GSA Panel Series: The Language of Discipline, Indianapolis, IN, October 2021 [Zoom].

[52] “‘Are your eyes recovered?’ Bartleby, Freud,” The Uncanny in Language, Literature and Culture, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, August 2021 [Zoom].

[51] “Ashes,” ACLA Seminar: Start Me Up: On Beginnings, Incipits, and First Lines, April 2021 [Zoom].

[50] “‘At Least Two:’ Benjamin’s Kafka and the Temporality of Gesture,” Elective Affinities: Reading Benjamin Reading Kafka, Colloquium, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pennsylvania, December 2020 [Zoom].

[49] “The Promise of Oblivion,” 2019–20 Pembroke Research Seminar, The Question of Critique, Brown University, April 2020 [Zoom].

[48] “Modern Scenes of Instruction: A Critique of Education,” The Pembroke Center Associates Council, Brown University, February 2020.

[47] “The Right to Look,” Book Launch of Gerhard Richter’s Thinking With Adorno: The Uncoercive Gaze, Brown University, November 2019.

[46] “End Games,” A Coming Word: Werner Hamacher, Paul Celan, Roundtable, NYU Center for the Humanities, October 2019.

[45] “On Lyric Idiomaticity,” GSA Seminar: Special Languages, Portland, OR, October 2019.

[44] “Schoolboys in Disgrace,” Histories of Sexuality and Erudition: Institutions, Texts, Practices, Conference, Departments of German and History, Princeton University, May 2019.

[43] “For Shame of Language,” For––Paul Celan, Conference, Department of German, Brown University, April 2019.

[42] “Headmaster Rituals: Educational Violence and German Prose,” Education in Europe: The Reinscription of Coloniality in Practices, Institutions, and Knowledges, Round Table, Center for European Studies, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, March 2019.

[41] “De-posing the Uncanny,” ACLA Seminar: Language Dislodged, Georgetown University, March 2019.

[40] “Kafka’s Worries,” Department of German, Colgate University, February 2019.

[39] “The Violence of Form: Narratives of Instruction in the 20th Century,” Department of German, Russian, and East European Languages and Literatures, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, January 2019.

[38] “Language Pains,” The Cultural Language(s) of Pain: European Literary Perspectives, Conference, Institute for Modern Languages Research, University of London, November 2018.

[37] “The Phantom Erection: Freud’s Dora and the Trauma of Non-impotence,” #masshysteria. Hysteria, Politics, and Performance Strategies, Conference, Department of French and Francophone Studies, Center for European and Russian Studies, & Center for Performance Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, November 2018.

[36] “The Survival of Shame,” Research Colloquium in the Graduate Program Language and Literature, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, May 2018.

[35] “Necro-sis,” Sisterliness, Graduate Conference, Department of German, New York University, April 2018.

[34] “Survival, Quote Unquote,” ACLA Seminar: Forms of Survival, UCLA, March 2018.

[33] “Kafka and the Crisis of Finitude,” Department of German, Reed College, February 2018.

[32] “Precarious Futures: Kafka and the Prose of Survival,” Department of German, University of California, Berkeley, January 2018.

[31] “The Scopes of Poetry: Hölderlin Takes Measure,” MLA Convention 2018, New York City, January 2018.

[30] “Care and Life-Form,” 1st Graduate Research Colloquium, Department of German, New York University, December 2017.

[29] “Aphanisis,” Reading -exhaust, Graduate Conference, Department of German, Brown University, October 2017.

[28] “Überlebensformen,” Transformations of Literature, Knowledge, and Media, Summer School, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, July 2017.

[27] “A Ruhm of One’s Own: Prize-Granting and Institutional Exposure,” Literature and Institutions, Symposium, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, Justus Liebig Universität Giessen, June 2017.

[26] “Josefine; or, The End of Man,” Princeton-Weimar Summer School 2017, Media Anthropology, IKKM Weimar, June 2017.

[25] “Kafka’s Lamentation: On Thanato-Philology,” 4th Boulder German Studies Summer Colloquium, German Program, University of Colorado, Boulder, May 2017.

[24] “Language After Finitude,” Apocalyptic Narratives, Graduate Conference, Department of German, Russian, and East European Languages and Literatures, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, April 2017.

[23] “The Ends of Kafka,” An Ending of Sorts? Critical Responses to Disenchantment in Modernity, Graduate Conference, Humanities Center at The Johns Hopkins University, March 2017.

[22] “Kafka, Terminable and Interminable,” The End, Graduate Conference, Department of German, Cornell University, November 2016.

[21] “Odradek Invades Heidegger,” GSA Seminar: Metamorphoses, San Diego, CA, October 2016.

[20] “Pains of Language, Pangs of Death,” The Pains of Language, Graduate Conference, Department of German, New York University, April 2016.

[19] “Taking Out the Trash: Kittler Airs an Anecdote,” ACLA Seminar: Recycling Culture: An Aesthetics of Waste, Harvard University, March 2016.

[18] “Mocked by Death: Kafka and the Terrors of Narration,” Reading Terror: Representations and Resistance, Graduate Conference, Department of Comparative Literature, Graduate Center at the City University of New York, November 2015.

[17] “On Screwing up in Dying: Kafka’s Anahistory,” Constructions: History and Narrativity, Princeton University, Department of Comparative Literature, October 2015.

[16] “Thomas Bernhard, Prizefighter,” GSA Panel: What is a Prize? Washington, D.C., October 2015.

[15] “This & Everything: Celan’s Unlesbarkeit,” Echoes/Reflections, Graduate Conference, Brown University, Department of German, April 2015.

[14] “Teacher’s Pet Sematary: The Drama of Negative Transference,” How to Return: Forms and Figures of Reversal, Regression, and Homecoming, Department of German, New York University, March 2015.

[13] “Being-able-to-die: Kafka’s Narrative Dare,” Survival/La Survie, 25th Annual Conference at the Center for Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto, March 2015.

[12] “Niemand hats getan: Kafka’s Revolution,” Revolution and the Real, Graduate Conference, Department of German, New York University, March 2015.

[11] “On the Deluded but Understandable Hope of Finally Doing Away with Heidegger,” The Telephone Book @ 25, Deutsches Haus at New York University, November 2014.

[10] “Aporias of Survival: Kafka’s ‘Sorge des Hausvaters’,” Shapeshifters: Recycling and Literature, Graduate Conference, Department of Comparative Literature, Yale University, April 2014.

[9] “Writing with neither Head nor Tail: Une correspondance,” ACLA Seminar, Theory as Genre, New York University, March 2014.

[8] “‘Cause you gotta have Faith! Derrida’s désoeuvrement,” Work/Ethics, Graduate Conference, Department of German, New York University, December 2013.

[7] “Absolute Memory: The Problem of Closure in the Age of Digital Reproduction,” Containers, Graduate Conference, Department of Cultural Analysis and Theory, Stony Brook in Manhattan, October 2013.

[6] “Deleuze, Derrida, Nancy: The Problem of Liminality” The Territory In-between, Sixth International Deleuze Studies Conference, University of Lisbon, July 2013.

[5] “Extra-Being and Time,” Creative Assemblages, First Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference, Tamkang University, Taipei, May–June 2013.

[4] “Der weltbürgerliche Blick: Unterwegs zu einer Ethik des Sehens,” Räume, Texte und Subjekte in Bewegung: Perspektiven auf den transnationalen Raum, Lecture Series, University of Vienna, January 2013.

[3] “Archontik, Prothetik, Automatik: Das Archiv in Dekonstruktion,” The Construction of Images, eikones Summer School, University of Basel, August 2012.

[2] “Community and the Archive,” Cinematic Diasporas: New Media Cultures and Experiences, Graduate Conference, Department of Cinema and Media Studies, University of Chicago, April 2012.

[1] “Dylan, das nicht festgestellte Thier,” Refractions of Bob Dylan: Cultural Appropriations of an American Icon, United States Embassy Vienna and the English Department, University of Vienna, May 2011.