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The Gingernut Collective has been meeting regularly since June 2021 to discuss literature:


June 23, 2024:
Paul Auster, “In the Country of Last Things”

May 19, 2024:
Anne Carson, “Nay Rather”

March 17, 2024:
Toni Morrison, “The Nobel Lecture in Literature”

December 22, 2023:
Octavia Butler, “Bloodchild”

November 4, 2023:
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wall-Paper”

September 3, 2023:
Robert Walser, “Fritz Kocher’s Essays”

July 30, 2023:
Ingeborg Bachmann, “Undine Goes”
Franz Kafka, “The Silence of the Sirens”

June 11, 2023:
Bora Chung, “The Head”
Izumi Suzuki, “The Walker”

May 6, 2023:
Han Kang, “The Middle Voice”

March 19, 2023:
Anton Chekhov, “The Lady with the Little Dog”

January 15, 2023:
Tennessee Williams, “The Resemblance between a Violin Case and a Coffin”

December 30, 2022:
Flannery O’Connor, “The Life You Save May Be Your Own”

August 28, 2022:
Toni Morrison, “Recitatif”

June 12, 2022:
James Joyce, “An Encounter”

May 8, 2022:
Clarice Lispector, “The Egg and the Chicken” and “Report on the Thing”

March 19, 2022:
F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Crack-Up”

January 22, 2022:
Charles Yu, “Standard Loneliness Package”

December 23, 2021:
Thomas Bernhard, “The Cap”

August 28, 2021:
W. H. Auden, “In Memory of W. B. Yeats”
John Berryman, “Dream Song 235”
Frank O’Hara, “Having a Coke with You”
Lana Del Rey, “Violet Bent backwards over the Grass”

July 31, 2021:
Jorge Luis Borges, “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius”

July 10, 2021:
Samuel Beckett, “Happy Days”

June 19, 2021:
Nikolai Gogol, “The Overcoat”

June 4, 2021:
Herman Melville, “Bartleby, the Scrivener”


If you are interested in joining the reading group, please email: