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Black France, White Europe: Youth, Race , and Belonging in the Postwar Era

Black France, White Europe


WINNER: George Louis Beer Prize, American Historical Association

HONORABLE MENTION: Laurence Wylie Prize in French Cultural Studies, New York University

HONORABLE MENTION: David H. Pinkney Prize, Society for French Historical Studies

HONORABLE MENTION: Alf Andrew Heggoy Prize, French Colonial History Society

BOOK FORUM in Tocqueville 21 (December 2022)

Reviewed in Journal of Modern History (2024)American Historical Review (2024),  Journal of Social History (2023)Francia-Recensio (2023), and H-Soz-Kult (2023)


“Notes on Sources: Leo Marker,” Journal of the Western Society of French History 49 (2023)

“African Youth on the Move in Postwar Greater France: Experiential Knowledge and Decolonial Politics at the End of Empire,” Know: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge 3(2) Fall 2019

AHR Conversation: Each Generation Writes Its Own History of Generations, The American Historical Review 123, Issue 5 (December 2018)

“Obscuring Race: Franco-African Conversations about Colonial Reform and Racism After World War II and the Making of Colorblind France,” French Politics, Culture & Society 33(3) (Winter 2015)

Special Issues

Race, Racism and the Study of France and the Francophone World Today: Part III, H-France Salon 13(18) (2021) [edited with Christy Pichichero]

Race, Racism and the Study of France and the Francophone World Today: Part II, H-France Salon 12(1) (2020) [edited with Christy Pichichero]  

Race, Racism and the Study of France and the Francophone World Today: Part I, H-France Salon 11(2) (2019) [edited with Christy Pichichero]


Frank Gerits, The Ideological Scramble for Africa: How the Pursuit of Anticolonial Modernity Shaped a Postcolonial Order, H-Diplo Roundtable XXXVI-4, 15-20, 23 September 2024.

Sarah Ann Frank, Hostages of Empire: Colonial Prisoners of War in Vichy France, Cultural History 12:2 2023, 272-274.

Damiano Matasci et al., Repenser “la mission civilisatrice”: L’éducation dans le monde colonial et postcolonial au XXe siècle, Revue suisse d’histoire, 72(3) 2022, 479-482.

Stephen L. Harp, The Riveria Exposed: An Ecohistory of Postwar Tourism and North African Labor, Journal of Social History, August 19, 2022.

J.P. Daughton, “The ‘Pacha Affair’ Reconsidered: Violence and Colonial Rule in Interwar French Equatorial Africa,” H-Diplo Article Review 991, October 27, 2020.

Kristen Stromberg Childers, Seeking Imperialism’s Embrace: National Identity, Decolonization and Assimilation in the French Caribbean, H-France Forum, Vol 12, Issue 4, no 3 (2017).

Andrew W.M. Smith and Chris Jeppesen, eds. Britain, France and the Decolonization of Africa: Future Imperfect? H-France Review, Volume 17 (2017) no 205.