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National Coordinator for the Post Deployment Cardiopulmonary Evaluation Network (PDCEN)

Thomas Alexander, MS

National Coordinator for PDCEN

Thomas Alexander joined the WRIISC in 2016.

Currently Tom is a National Coordinator for the Post Deployment Cardiopulmonary Evaluation Network (PDCEN), a network comprised of pulmonary and occupational health experts established by the Veterans Affairs Airborne Hazards and Burn Pits Center of Excellence (AHBPCE). His primary role for the PDCEN is around data analysis and interpretation and maintaining a study database across all PDCEN sites. As the national coordinator, Tom also manages routine and administrative procedures for the center.

In addition to his PDCEN duties, Tom, collaborates with Dr. Falvo on several DoD and VA funded research projects investigating post-deployment health concerns.

Tom holds a Bachelor’s Degree in biology from Penn State (2014) and a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences from Rutgers (2016).