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The Firestein Laboratory was established in 2000. Since then, seven students have earned their Masters degrees and twenty-one students have earned their PhD degrees under the mentorship of Dr. Firestein. Over seventy-five undergraduate students have performed research and honors theses, and fourteen postdoctoral associates have worked in the Firestein Lab. These trainees have gone onto careers in medicine, academic research, industrial research, and positions in STEM fields. Dr. Firestein is committed to training, and she continues her relationships with her trainees after their tenure in her laboratory, supporting them to continue to be successful.

Graduate students in the laboratory are enrolled in different programs, including Molecular Biosciences, Neuroscience, and Biomedical Engineering Graduate Programs.

We work with The Brain Bunch to disseminate videos to teach children that science is fun!  View our video series “I’m a Scientist, Too!” at


The Firestein Laboratory expresses their utmost gratitude for support from the Coalition for Brain Injury Research. We are committed to helping restore brain function to survivors of traumatic brain injury and dedicate our work to the memory of Dennis John Benigno, who suffered a TBI in junior high school.


The Firestein Laboratory is also extremely grateful for generous support from Dr. Jamuna Rajasingham and Mr. Dyan Rajasingham. Thanks to them, Dr. Firestein is training the next generation of scientists to aid in the development of therapeutics for the recovery of patients who have suffered an injury or neurodegenerative disease.