Experiential Learning Programs
Patient-Centric Senior Design
I currently mentor 45 students who are engaged in research aimed to help the disabled. Our current collaborators are the Matheny Medical and Educational Center, http://www.matheny.org and Operation Rebound. https://www.challengedathletes.org/programs/operation-rebound/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg8fQ_ZXY5AIVCI_ICh2PNge-EAAYASAAEgKUUfD_BwE
Co-Op Program
Current BME sophomores can apply to the BME Co-Op Program where they can be matched with partnering companies for a 6-month work experience. Co-Ops may run Fall-Summer or Winter-Summer of Junior Year, and students can make up any core courses they missed over the summer before or after the co-op.