White, E. O. and M. S. Meixler. (in preparation). Assessing Ecosystem Services of Large-Scale Roadside Tree Removal.
Meixler, M. S. (in preparation). Radon in New York State: A spatial and temporal analysis of environmental justice.
*White, E. O., M. S. Meixler. (in preparation). The effects of road characteristics and functional class on landscape fragmentation in the Southern Appalachian mountains.
M. S. Meixler, K. Fisher, and E. W. Sanderson. (in preparation). Predicting urban biodiversity given climate change. Science Advances.
Epiphan, J. N., M. S. Meixler, M. F. J. Aronson, C. M. K. Kaunzinger, and S. N. Handel. (In review). Resilience of coastal upland vegetation post-Hurricane Sandy. Coastal Management.
Shen, M., Van Klink, R., Sagouis, A., Petsch, D.K., Abong’o, D.A., Alahuhta, J., Al‐Shami, S.A., Armendáriz, L.C., Bae, M.J., Begot, T.O., M. S. Meixler,…and Chase, J.M. 2024. FreshLanDiv: A Global Database of Freshwater Biodiversity Across Different Land Uses. Global Ecology and Biogeography, p.e13917.
*White, E.O. and M. S. Meixler. 2024. Assessing large-scale roadside tree removal using aerial imagery and crash analysis: A difference-in-differences approach. Landscape and Urban Planning, 244, p.104980.
M. S. Meixler, *M. Piana, *A. Henry. 2023. Modeling present and future ecosystem services and environmental justice within an urban-coastal watershed. Landscape and Urban Planning 232: p.104659.
Capozzi, S. L., K. Francisco, B. L. *Stahl, M. Al Hello, M. S. Meixler, L. A. Rodenburg. 2023. Sources of polychlorinated biphenyls to Upper Hudson River fish post-dredging. Chemosphere 310: 136742.
Meixler, M. S. 2022. Composting: Using nature to recycle waste. Pathways to Research, EBSCO, Ipswich, MA.
[textbook] Meixler, M. S. and M. B. Bain. 2022. Conservation Techniques. Rutgers University Library Press, New Brunswick, NJ.
M. S. Meixler. 2021. A species-specific fish passage model A species-specific fish passage model based on hydraulic conditions and water temperature. Ecological Informatics, 65: 101407.
M. S. Meixler, C. Kaunzinger, J. Epiphan, and S. Handel. 2020. Identifying opportunities for local assisted expansion of coastal upland vegetation in an urban estuary. Ecological modelling 438: 109309.
M. S. Meixler, K. Fisher and E. W. Sanderson. 2019. Latitude-enhanced species-area relationships for conservation planning. Landscape Ecology, 34(8): 1877-1888. DOI 10.1007/s10980-019-00863-2.
Meixler, M. S., M. J. Kennish, and G. Sakowicz. 2018. Long-term epifaunal community assessment in estuarine waters of New Jersey. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Sciences, 63(1): 9-17.
Meixler, M. S., M. J. Kennish, and K. F. Crowley. 2018. Assessment of Plant Community Characteristics in Natural and Human-Altered Coastal Marsh Ecosystems. Estuaries and Coasts, 41(1): 52-64. DOI 10.1007/s12237-017-0296-0
[cover photo of issue]
Meixler, M. S. 2017. Assessment of Hurricane Sandy damage and resulting loss in ecosystem services in a coastal-urban setting. Ecosystem Services, 24: 28-46. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.12.009
*Hopper, T. and M. S. Meixler. 2016. Modeling coastal vulnerability through space and time. PloS one, 11(10), e0163495. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163495
H.J. Lynch, H. J, R. White, R. Naveen, A. Black, M. S. Meixler, and W. Fagan. 2016. In stark contrast to widespread declines along the Scotia Arc, a survey of the South Sandwich Islands finds a robust seabird community. Polar Biology: 1-11.
*Hauser, S., M. S. Meixler, and M. Laba. 2015. Quantification of impacts and ecosystem services loss in New Jersey coastal wetlands due to Hurricane Sandy storm surge. Wetlands, 35(6): 1137-1148.
Meixler, M. S. and M. B. Bain. 2015. Modeling aquatic macroinvertebrate richness using landscape attributes. International Journal of Ecology, 2015: 926526.
Walter, J. A., M. S. Meixler, T. Mueller, W. Fagan, P. C. Tobin, and K. J. Haynes. 2015. How topography induces reproductive asynchrony and alters gypsy moth invasion dynamics. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84(1): 188-198.
Kennish, M. J., M. S. Meixler, G. Petruzzelli, and B. Fertig. 2014. Tuckerton Peninsula salt marsh system: a sentinel site for assessing climate change effects. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Sciences, 59(2): 1-5.
Meixler, M. S. and M. B. Bain. 2012. A GIS framework for fish habitat at the river basin scale. International Journal of Ecology 2012: 146073.
Meixler, M. S. and M. B. Bain. 2011. Predicting ecological outcomes of stream creation using fish community attributes. Ecological Engineering 37: 1420-1424.
Meixler, M. S. 2011. Application of the target fish community model to an urban river system. Journal of Environmental Management 92: 1138-1147.
Meixler, M. S. and M. B. Bain. 2010. Landscape scale assessment of stream channel and riparian habitat restoration needs. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 6(2): 235-245.
Meixler, M. S. and M. B. Bain. 2010. A water quality model for regional stream assessment and conservation targeting. Environmental Management 45(4): 868-880.
Meixler, M. S., M. B. Bain and M. T. Walter. 2009. Predicting barrier passage and habitat suitability for migratory fish species. Ecological Modelling 220(20): 2782-2791.
Singkran, N. and M. S. Meixler. 2008. Influences of habitat and land cover on fish distributions along a tributary to Lake Ontario, New York. Landscape Ecology 23(5): 539-551.
Bain, M. B., and M. S. Meixler. 2008. A target fish community to guide river restoration. River Research and Applications 24(4): 453-458.
Meixler, M. S. 2008. Cost analysis for sampling of Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Pages 172-191 in Burton et al., eds. Great Lakes coastal wetlands monitoring plan. Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands Consortium, Great Lakes Commission, Ann Arbor, MI.
Meixler, M. S., K. A. Arend and M. B. Bain. 2005. Fish community support in wetlands within protected embayments of Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31 (S1): 188-196.
Meixler, M. S. 1999. Regional setting. Pages 11-24 in Bain, M. B. and N. J. Stevenson, eds. Aquatic habitat assessment: Common methods. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
Meixler, M. S. 1999. Waterbody identification. Pages 35-46 in Bain, M. B. and N. J. Stevenson, eds. Aquatic habitat assessment: Common methods. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
Meixler, M. S., and M. B. Bain. 1999. Update on New York aquatic GAP pilot project. GAP Analysis Program Bulletin 8:39, 72.
Bain, M. B., and M. S. Meixler. 1998. Making Gap Analysis work for New York waters: a state perspective on aquatic GAP. U. S. Geological Survey, GAP Analysis Program Bulletin 7:22-23.
Meixler, M. S., and M. B. Bain. 1998. Final report summary: New York aquatic GAP pilot project. U. S. Geological Survey, GAP Analysis Program Bulletin 7:21-22.
Meixler, M. S., M. B. Bain, and G. H. Galbreath. 1996. Aquatic Gap analysis: Tool for watershed scale assessment of fluvial habitat and biodiversity. Pages A665-A670 in M. Leclerc, H. Capra, S.Valentin, A. Boudreault, and Y. Cote (Editors). Proceedings of the second IAHR Symposium on Habitat Hydraulics, Ecohydraulics 2000. Institute National de la Recherche Scientifique – Eau, Ste-Foy, Quebec, Canada.
Meixler, M. S., M. C. Vodak, and G. A. Mclaughlin. 1995. Seed source and region effects on growth rate and survival of blue spruce (Picea pungens) Christmas trees in New Jersey. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science 40(2): 13-15.