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I have worked with a wide range of federal, state, non-profit and private organizations:

AECOM Environment
American Fisheries Society
American Museum of Natural History
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Cayuga Lake Watershed Network
Charles River Watershed Association
Comision Ejecutiva Del Valle Sula
Cornell University Cooperative Extension
Cornell University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Cornell University, Department of Human Development
Cornell University, Johnson Business School
Department of the Interior
Esri, Inc.
Friends of the Wissahickon
GIScorps: Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique
Great Lakes Commission
Great Lakes Fishery Commission
Great Lakes Protection Fund
Hudson River Park
Ithaca Public Works Department
Lake Ontario Coastal Initiative
National Biological Survey
National Park Service
National Science Foundation
The Nature Conservancy
New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
New York Botanical Garden
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
New York State Department of Health
New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee
New York State Water Resources Institute
Routledge CRC
Rutgers University Center for Urban Research and Education
Rutgers University Cooperative Extension
Rutgers University, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
Rutgers University, Department of Geological Sciences
Rutgers University, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University Libraries
Sassafras River Association
Saint Joseph’s University
Society for Conservation GIS
The Smithsonian
Tompkins County, NY Planning Department
Union of Concerned Scientists
United States Geological Survey
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts Amherst Cooperative Extension
University of Wisconsin, Department of Rural Sociology
Wildlife Conservation Society
The World Bank