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Recent Seminars

The Complicated Life of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds over the Eastern North Atlantic, 2023: Pennsylvania State University, Apr. 19, State College, PA

The Complicated Life of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds over the Eastern North Atlantic, 2023: State University of New York at Stony Brook, Mar. 22, Stony Brook, NY

Dissecting Marine Boundary Layer Clouds using Observations and Simulations, 2022: NOAA Global Systems Laboratory (hybrid), Sep. 23, Boulder, CO

The Complicated Life of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds over the Eastern North Atlantic, 2022: Colorado State University Department of Atmospheric Sciences (hybrid), Sep. 22, Fort Collins, CO

Conference Presentations

Zheng, Q., M.A. Miller, and A. Poulos, 2023: Marine Boundary Layer Convective Complexes over Eastern North Atlantic: Organizational Modes and Physical Mechanisms, 103rd Annual Meeting of the AMS, Jan 11, Denver, CO

Zheng, Q., M.A. Miller, and A. Poulos, 2022: Cumulus Coupled Stratocumulus and Marine Boundary Layer Convective Complexes over the Summertime Eastern North Atlantic Ocean, AMS Collective Madison Meeting, Aug 8., Madison, WI

Zheng, Q., and M. A. Miller, 2020: Aircraft Observations and Surface-based Retrievals of Summertime Drizzle Evaporation Rates over the Eastern North Atlantic, Fall 2020 AGU Meeting []

Conference Posters

Zheng Q, M.A Miller, and S. Braddock: Mesoscale Organization in Summertime Cumulus-Coupled Stratocumulus Observed at the Eastern North Atlantic Climate Observatory, Summer 2023 DOE ASR PI Meeting, [ASR – Atmospheric System Research (]

Miller, M. A., Q. Zheng, and A. Poulos, 2022: Cumulus Coupled Stratocumulus and Marine Boundary Layer Convective Complexes over the Summertime Eastern North Atlantic Ocean, Aerosols, Clouds, Precipitation and Climate (ACPC) Meeting

Zheng, Q., and M. A. Miller, 2021: The Comparison Between Remote Sensor Measurements and Reanalysis of Cloud Morphology and Thermodynamics over the Eastern North Atlantic, Fall 2021 AGU Meeting []

Zheng Q. and M. A. Miller, 2021: Summertime Cloud Morphology over the Eastern North Atlantic: Thermodynamics, Drizzle Evaporation, and Surface Fluxes, Summer 2021 DOE ASR Meeting []

Miller, M. A., Q. Zheng, and A. Collow, 2021: Synthesizing Cloud Field Complexity over Ascension Island and Beyond, Summer 2021 DoE ASR Meeting []

Miller, M. A., Q. Zheng, L. C. Trabachino, and M Kazemirad, 2018: Relating Drizzle Evaporation and Sub-Cloud Decoupling: Observations and Simulations during ACE-ENA, Fall 2018 AGU Meeting[]