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Briana Bivens, Ph.D.

Program Staff

Briana Bivens (she/her) received her Ph.D. in Educational Theory and Practice and her M.Ed. in Educational Administration and Policy from the University of Georgia. Currently, she is a postdoctoral research associate in the School of Graduate Studies at Rutgers and an instructor. Her work focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic planning, and she collaborates directly with graduate students to envision and create more equitable and affirming educational experiences. Informed by her doctoral work and her many years engaged in multi-issue community organizing, Briana’s scholarship and advocacy explores community-based education, child and family care policy, and sustainability in transformative, justice-oriented social movements. Briana loves spending time with her two dogs, learning new board games, and reading speculative fiction that can help us imagine and create more just ways of being and living.