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You can take as many shots as you want. See what they look like and delete the ones you don’t like. Make sure you’re holding your phone horizontally!


What do you mean by anti-racist?

You tell us and we’ll believe you. Make something with an anti-racist intent and you can hardly go wrong. Point your phone there and send it along.


What if I just started my project?

Participate anyway! We want to see what you’re up to that adds to the dialogue because it’s important. If you have begun it and can take a minute to give it a title and shoot it, then send it in.


What if there are lots of artists doing one big project?

Participate by adding your group name to your title card. One title card per artwork please. We need one person named for shooting the work. We need one person or group named as “artist.”


Can I submit music?

Absolutely! Be sure to include a visual component with music (if using artwork be sure you have permission to use it, please). Sound will of course be recorded along with the visual. Pick something relevant to point your camera at simultaneously (like a photograph or artwork in the public domain).


Can I send in still images instead of videotaping my artwork?

While we prefer video—it will look best in this project—we understand that some artists will feel strongly about submitting still images of their artwork. To submit still images, BE SURE THE FILE IS LABELED WITH ARTIST LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_TITLE OF ARTWORK (example: Ponder_Rhinold_Hands Up) and upload the images to dropbox at (you do not need to have a dropbox account). Then, go back to Step 1 and on your title card be sure to indicate the images, by name, you have sent to dropbox. You must include this so that we can connect your images to your project.


How do I know if my video looks good?

Watch this simple tutorial to learn how to shoot B roll]. And don’t worry—our team of editors will make it look good!


What happens if I don’t like what I shot?

You can simply delete and start again.


Still having trouble? Contact and someone will get back to you.