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1.   Initial Interest of a Research Project

An industry organization (as well as an independent researcher or a non-profit or governmental entity) expresses interest in a data research project. If the industry organization does not have a respective research partner within Rutgers Newark Carta center, they will be paired with one through other CARTA sites.

   2. Negotiate Terms and conditions

The terms and conditions of the project (deliverables, timeframe, cost, etc.) are negotiated between the Researcher and the Organization.

3. IAB Review

The Organization and the project are presented to the Center’s Industrial Advisory Board (IAB = the existing center members). If no conflicts exist, the Organization and Project go to step 4. Member to Member collaboration within the Center is encouraged.

4. Membership and Funding

The Organization signs the Membership Agreement pays the agreed annual membership fee and officially joins the center. The Organization is now a Member and part of the IAB. Please note that an Organization can join CARTA with or without a project.

5. Execution of Project

The Project is executed according to the Project Terms.

6. Results and Renewal

Project results are delivered to the funding member organization and made available to the IAB for a final review. Industry members are welcome to renew their membership each year, connect with other IAB members and researchers on new projects, and present ideas for new projects at the semi-annual IAB meetings.