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Welcome to the 2022 Susan N. Wilson NEW Leadership® New Jersey Summer Institute! It’s been two long years since we’ve been able to convene this program in person, and we are thrilled to welcome this year’s class to our campus. Over the course of our six days together, you will hear the inside story from political women, hone your leadership skills, and exchange ideas with new friends — and you will have a great time doing it!

We look forward to building a relationship with each of you that lasts a lifetime. You will leave NEW Leadership® inspired to pursue your goals and empowered to achieve them. We’re committed to forging links between the women leaders of today and tomorrow, so make sure you stay connected to the women you meet this week and become an active member of the NEW Leadership® alumnae network.

CAWP has been hosting NEW Leadership® at the Eagleton Institute of Politics since 1991. Each year is a learning experience for us. We adapt the program to meet the needs of each new generation of up-and-coming leaders. We encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions with us. Your ideas and comments will help us improve future programs.

Your generation of students will be asked to apply its talents and insights to the challenges confronting society. We look to you to provide a new kind of leadership for our country and our world. We congratulate you on stepping forward to meet those challenges and commend you for your commitment to making a difference.