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Petra Gaskins


Without a doubt, Petra’s interest in politics originated from her personal experience of homelessness due to child abuse and parental abandonment. From her pre-teen years to adulthood, she constantly had to confront seemingly unjust bureaucracies that spurred within her a determination to change the system. Whether it was organizing to demand that homeless unaccompanied youth have the right to attend school or organizing conferences for the Congressional Caucus on Black Women & Girls, Petra has spent her entire life calling attention to overlooked issues in the community.

Today, Petra Gaskins is the Chief of Staff to Senator Andrew Zwicker after undertaking a historic campaign for then Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker to become the first Democrat Senator in New Jersey’s 16th Legislative District. She is responsible for increasing his profile and creating opportunities for him to lend his voice to critical issues such as passing early voting and fostering New Jersey’s innovation economy.

Driven by a desire to help others effectuate policy change, she takes great pride in mentoring the next generation of civic leaders by serving as the Chapter Director of New Leaders Council-New Jersey. Previously, she served as Director of Outreach & Programming for Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman and as an Aide to Governor Phil Murphy.

She is most known for creating outside-the-box opportunities to elevate those whose voices have been systemically ignored.

Petra is a proud resident of New Brunswick, NJ and is running unopposed for a 4 year term for City Council.