What is Nature Journaling?
What is nature journaling?
Nature journaling is the act of observing, drawing, and writing in response to nature as part of a process that instills and cultivates the habits of discovery, self-guided questioning, and critical thinking so central to scientific and creative endeavors. Participants will learn to wonder, to inquire, and to engage all their senses in perceiving natural phenomena at small to large scales, and they will learn some basics of drawing, capturing observations, and note-taking that will allow them to respond to nature through an artistic process.
Learn more about nature journaling at:
Wild Wonder: What is nature journaling?
Nature Journaling with Marley Peifer
Read more about nature journaling:
The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling, John Muir Laws
Keeping a Nature Journal: Deepen Your Connection with the Natural World All Around You, by Clare Walker Leslie
Draw Yourself Back to Nature: Creativity, connection, & art-making with the natural world, by Kelly Johnson
Nature Journaling for a Wild Life, by Roseann Hanson