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Nabhan Arif


Nabhan is a major in Information Technology and Informatics. He enjoys hiking and climbing despite not being very good at either

Caitlyn Carlson

Corresponding Secretary

Caitlyn is a Senior studying Biomathematics and Chemistry. Her favorite outdoor activities are hiking, backpacking, swimming, and kayaking. She also likes to read, paint, and yap. Ask her about her favorite

Anthony DiNardo


Anthony is a junior EENR major. He enjoys backpacking, caving, and kayaking

Phoenix Kotsatos

Vice President

Phoenix is a junior studying Computer Science. He loves spending time in the woods, exploring new places, and meeting new people. He also enjoys drumming, geography, cooking, and mindfulness.

Marshall McCullough


Marshall is a Junior majoring in environmental policy. His favorite outdoor activities are camping, backpacking, and skiing!

Matthew Forman


Matthew is a junior at Rutgers majoring in Biomedical Engineering, with a passion for health, medicine, and all things outdoors! Matthew joined RUOC last year, where it quickly became his new home. He

Olivia Korab


Olivia is a Junior majoring in Biological Sciences. Her favorite outdoors activities are skiing, hiking and kayaking. She also enjoys reading and baking in her free time.

Lillian MacDonald


Lillian is a Junior studying Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources at SEBS. Lillian has been to a handful of National Parks and loves anything that takes her deeper into the