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I presented a paper on “Substitution in the Uji Chapters” at the international roundtable on “Mi to kokoro in The Tale of Genji” organized by University of Paris and Waseda University, Tokyo on Dec. 12, 2020. The Zoom Webinar roundtable began at 3am US ET, 9am Paris, and 5pm Tokyo time. Opening remarks were by Prof. Daniel Struve, University of Paris (below). My paper focused on Chapter 47 “Agemaki” in The Tale of Genji and the conflict between Kaoru and Oigimi, which led Oigimi to ask Kaoru to substitute her sister, Nakanokimi, for herself in his affections, when she suggested that the sisters shared the same Mi. Slides posted here: Schalow-Substitution final

Title of roundtable Dec. 12-13, 2020