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Premala (“Premi”) Chandra is fascinated by rich phases of quantum matter that emerge from the confluence of quantum mechanics and complexity. In these strongly correlated materials, interactions are significant, and their competing effects often result in novel quantum orderings and quantum dynamics. Premi’s research interests include frustrated magnetism unconventional superconductivity in dilute polar metals, novel metallic states near quantum phase transitions and more recently light-driven phase transitions and dynamical behaviors that are inaccessible in equilibrium. She also loves experimental enigmas and enjoys developing phenomenological descriptions to understand and to characterize them. Finally, Premi is committed to outreach towards sharing her scientific enthusiasm with the greater public, and towards developing a welcoming and inclusive research community.


Here is a sample for her recent projects to give a flavor for her activities:

Theoretical Research Areas

Frustrated Magnetism

Spin systems with competing interactions are “economy” strongly correlated systems. Fluctuation-selection from degenerate ground-state manifolds can lead to novel non-local phases.

Emergent Helical Order in a Frustrated Spin Nanotube

An integrated analytic and computational approach, was used to identify and and characterize a fluctuation-induced quantum ordering transition. The topological character of the emergent phase was analyzed using entanglement spectra and non-local string order parameters.




A long-standing mystery in the liquid crystals community is addressed; the “mystery” phase above the nematic Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a coupled hexatic-nematic liquid crystal film is proposed to be that of composite Potts order resulting from the confinement of fractionalized vortices.



Novel Behaviors near Quantum Phase Transition

Metals close to quantum critical points are strongly correlated systems that often exhibit non-Fermi liquid behavior and other exotic orderings including unconventional superconductivity.

Unconventional Superconductivity in Dilute Quantum Critical Polar Metals


A mechanism for superconductivity in dilute quantum critical polar metals is studied where the electron pairing is mediated by energy fluctuations; comparison to existing data is made and predictions for future experiments are made.


Multiband Quantum Criticality of Polar Metals

It is shown that multiband metals near inversion symmetry-breaking (polar) quantum critical points provide rich platforms for the exploration of strongly correlated physics including non-Fermi liquid phases.



Photoinduced Transitions and Dynamical Behaviors

Motivated by recent measurements of pump-induced polar ordering, we analyze classical and quantum dynamics of a minimalist model that captures its observed features and leads to specific predictions for future experiment.



Collaborations with Experimentalists

Dielectric Relaxation by Quantum Critical Magnons

It is shown experimentally that quantum critical magnons, the elementary excitations of a magnetic material near a quantum phase transition,  can demonstrate electric dipole activity as observed in anomalous dielectric relaxation.


Observation of a Critical Charge Mode in a Strange Metal

Using synchrotron Mossbauer spectroscopy, the first direct observation of slow critical charge fluctuations in a strange metal is reported; strange metals cannot be characterized by conventional theoretical approaches. These artificial charge fluctuations may prove to be a signature of strange metals that should be included in their description.




Press Release: Rutgers physicists provide theoretical insights on experiment involving a “strange metal” that could be foundational to next-generation quantum technologies

Aspen Public Lecture


In order to learn more about Premi’s research activities please visit the arXiv.