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You have been selected to become future leaders in nursing and join the Rutgers University – School of Nursing.


Please review the steps below to begin your onboarding process.

Have questions? Contact our First Year Experience team at:

What's Next?

Complete Placement Tests

In order to be registered accurately, new students need to complete the following Placement Tests by June 15th.

  • Math*
  • English
  • World Language (optional)


Newark Exams

New Brunswick Exams


*Please Note: The Math exam has two possible attempts. We recommend students who do not place into at least pre-calculus to do the necessary steps to complete the 2nd attempt prior to the start of semester.

Submit AP Scores & Transcripts

The School of Nursing accepts external credits for General Education courses and select prerequisites*. If you have credits that you’d like to have reviewed please submit those by July 1st.


Learn More About Pre-College Credits


*Students who have pending credit for the following courses require Academic Dean & Registrar review, please complete the following form to let us know of that pending credit and expedite the review process:

  • English Composition/Writing
  • General Psychology
  • Statistics

Select Your Classes

Students will be self registering for Fall 2024 classes outside of their orientation dates. The Advising Center will be providing guidance on specific course to register for the Fall semester. In the meantime the curriculum for each campus as well as the General Education requirements are linked below.


Newark Curriculum

Newark Gen Eds


New Brunswick Curriculum

New Brunswick Gen Eds

New Student Advising

Click on sign-up link below!


New Brunswick

Group Advising:

  June 26th @ 4pm  June 27th @ 2pm

 June 28th @ 11am


Newark Group Advising:

*Each session is required please click on each link to register*

June 12th @ 4p – Welcome Overview

June 26th @ 4p- Registration Advising

July 10th @ 4p – Program Expectations & Prep