Graduate Students
The Office of Academic Success collaborates with Graduate Student Engagement, Rutgers Graduate Writing Program, School of Nursing Faculty, and Rutgers Health Science Libraries to offer a variety of academic success workshops each semester.
In addition:
- Graduate students can access self-guided resources on the OAS Canvas page.
- The Office of Academic (OAS) supports graduate students through individual academic consultations with one of our Academic Coaches.
Graduate Workshop Menu
The Graduate Writing Workshop will include APA in addition to formulating ideas, creating outlines, and elements of scholarly writing.
Facilitated by Rutgers Graduate Writing Program
The date range represents the week that one workshop would be offered. Dates and times will be added at the start of the Fall semester and advertised in the .Fall 2024– Friday, October 18 12pm-1pm (APA – 60 Minutes)– November 22 12pm-1pm (Synthesizing Literature – 60 Minutes)Spring 2025– March 26, 2025 11am-12pm (APA – 60 Minutes)– April 9th 11am -12pm (Synthesizing Literature – 60 Minutes)Summer 2025– Week of June 9-13 (APA – 60 Minutes)– Week of June 23-27 (Synthesizing Literature – 60 Minutes) -
The Library Resources Workshop will focus on how to navigate the RWJ Library of the Health Sciences website, using library services, available research resources, and tips on citation management.
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 at 12:00 PM
- Understand the core concepts of creating a story rather than merely presenting data and information.
- Enhance research skills with techniques for uncovering new data sources and filtering for the most reliable content.
- Learn how to use data to enhance a story but not bury it in numbers.
- Learn word choice, sentence composition, and techniques for organizing content and creating narrative structures.
Friday, March 7, 2025 12pm-1pm (RSVP for Zoom link)
This workshop will focus on the use of Endnote as a citation management tool.
Facilitated by Rutgers Health Sciences Clinical Librarian Pam Hargwood
March 4, 2025 12pm-1pm (RSVP for Zoom Link)
Refresh your knowledge of the search process. Learn how to use control vocabulary and save your search strategies.
Facilitated by Rutgers Health Sciences Clinical Librarian Pam Hargwood
February 20, 2025 12pm –1pm (RSVP for Zoom link)
This workshop will explore the importance of self-regulation, stress management, and daily restorative practices.
Facilitated by the Office of Academic Success this workshop is available online in the Advanced Practice OAS Canvas Page in the modules section.
Managing test anxiety is an important part of developing successful test-taking strategies. Complete the modules below to learn more about your own level of test anxiety, potential causes and strategies to reduce test anxiety.
Facilitated by the Office of Academic Success this workshop is available online in the Advanced Practice OAS Canvas Page in the modules section.
Students will learn about the five steps in the study cycle: Preview, Attend, Review, Study, and Access. Each phase of the study cycle contains its own set of strategies that will be reviewed.
Facilitated by the Office of Academic Success this workshop is available online in the Advanced Practice OAS Canvas Page in the modules section.
In this workshop, we will focus on the components of setting up a schedule, discuss managing multiple priorities, and review resources and tools to assist with the organization.
Facilitated by the Office of Academic Success this workshop is available online in the Advanced Practice OAS Canvas Page in the modules section.