Success Workshops
The Office of Academic Success offers a variety of academic coaching workshops for undergraduate nursing students. See below for workshop descriptions.
Types of OAS Workshops
OAS Academic Workshops
Available in-person and remotely, OAS Workshops address a variety of student success topics based on the specific needs of each cohort. See below for a full listing of workshops.
OAS Self-Guided Resources
Located on the OAS Canvas page, self-guided workshops provide strategies for a variety of topics including; time management, study skills, note-taking and test taking strategies.
OAS In-Class Workshops
Workshops can be integrated within the scheduled time for your course or program. The workshops are designed to provide micro-learning opportunities for students within 10 minutes.
Workshop Menu
During the Spring term, Alumni Tutor Jerry will host four drop-in sessions focusing on A&P II. Sessions will be hosted on Zoom, see the OAS Canvas page for Zoom link.
Tuesday, February 4th | 6:30-7:30pm | Zoom
Tuesday, March 4th | 6:30-7:30pm | Zoom
Tuesday, April 1st | 6:30-7:30pm | Zoom
Tuesday, April 29th | 6:30-7:30pm| Zoom
Week 1: Friday, January 24th: 11:00-Noon |Methods for Organizing & Planning Your Time In Nursing School | Zoom link can be found on the OAS Canvas
Week 2: Friday, January 31st: 2:00-3:00pm | Study Strategies Workshop| Zoom link can be found on the OAS Canvas page.
Week 3: Friday, February 7th: 2:00-3:00pm | Methods for Organizing and Planning Your Time in Nursing School| Zoom link can be found on the OAS Canvas page.
Week 4: Friday, February 7th: 7pm-8pm | A&P Refresher Concepts Concepts for Exam I HA| BigBlueButton on the OAS Canvas page.
Week 4: Wednesday, February 12th: 3:30-4:30pm |Test Taking Strategies| Zoom link can be found on the OAS Canvas page.
Week 5: Tuesday, February 18: 3:30pm-4:30pm| Study Strategies Workshop | Zoom link can be found on the OAS Canvas page
Week 5: Thursday, February 21st: 11:00-Noon| Study Strategies Workshop | Zoom link can be found on the OAS Canvas page
Week 6: Wednesday, February 26th: 7pm-8:30pm |A&P Review Concepts for Exam II HA | BigBlueButton on the OAS Canvas page.
Week 8: Tuesday, March 11th: 3:30-4:30pm |Test Taking Strategies | Zoom link can be found on the OAS Canvas page.
Week 10: Tuesday, March 25th: 3:30-4:30pm |Think Like a Nurse | Zoom link can be found on the OAS Canvas page.
Week 12: Friday, April 11th: 11:00-Noon |Think Like a Nurse | Zoom link can be found on the OAS Canvas page.
Week 12: Tuesday, April 8th 7pm |A&P Review Concepts for Exam III HA | BigBlueButton on the OAS Canvas page.
All Self-Guided Workshops are available on the OAS Canvas page.
Dosage Calculations (Self-Guided)
This workshop is designed to aid in understanding dosage calculations and interpreting drug labels using the formula, ratio/proportion, and dimensional analysis methods.
Organizing and Planning Your Time (Self-Guided)
In this workshop students will develop short, medium, and long-term schedules. You will learn how to use time management and workload calculators to accurately predict time allotments for scheduled tasks and create a flexible schedule that allows you to sustain your momentum over the semester to reach your academic goals. Attendees will also receive a digital planning tool and information on incorporating self-care into their routines to promote resiliency.
Anatomy of a Nursing Student (Self-Guided)Students will learn about the five steps in the study cycle: Preview, Attend, Review, Study, & Test. Each phase of the study cycle contains its own set of strategies that will be reviewed. Students will reflect on each step in the cycle and determine additional methods to introduce into their study plan. We will review focused study sessions as a means to achieve academic goals. Students will learn how to use their syllabus as a roadmap for success. In this workshop, we will deconstruct the course syllabus to identify program expectations, practices for professional communication and review academic resources such as tutoring and academic coaching and how to utilize these services best.
How to Think Like A Nurse (Self-Guided)In this workshop, students will gain a better understanding of what it means to “Think Like a Nurse.” Nursing students must remember, understand, and apply course content that they learned after they have completed a course. Nursing Faculty design each level of the curriculum to increase critical thinking skills and through application clinical judgment. Students will learn how the courses are connected and the importance of carrying prior knowledge over from nursing prerequisite courses.
Managing Test Anxiety (Self-Guided)
Managing test anxiety is an important part of developing successful test-taking strategies. Complete the modules below to learn more about your own level of test anxiety, potential causes and strategies to reduce test anxiety.
Workshops can be integrated within the scheduled time for your course or program. The workshops are designed to provide micro-learning opportunities for students within 10 minutes. Workshop delivery will be via zoom unless requested for in-person. Requests can be emailed to Jane Ferrick Please provide at least one-week advance notice to schedule. Adaptions can be made to the materials to provide more context specific information for your course with additional lead time and access to course materials.Request an OAS Workshop
Distributed Practice and Interleaving
Learning Outcomes:
• Students will know what a knowledge map is and how it is used for learning.
• Students will understand how different concept maps can be constructed in nursing courses and will
be able to produce one for their specific course content.
Knowledge Maps
Learning Outcomes:
• Students will learn how to distribute their learning throughout several study sessions.
• Students will learn how the rotation of subjects can improve their learning.
Metacognition “Thinking About Thinking”
Learning Outcomes:
• Students will understand why reflecting on their learning is a valuable skill to develop and vital in
their clinical judgment development.
• Students will be able to identify the tools and processes available to aid them in assessing their
understanding of their learning.
Reading for Understanding
Learning Outcomes
• Students will learn a technique for previewing their textbook chapters.
• Students will learn methods for “Active Reading.”
• Students will become aware of additional steps they can take after reading to ensure they understand
what they have read.
Cognitive Levels of Understanding
Learning Outcomes
• Students will become familiar with the levels of cognitive understanding in Bloom’s Taxonomy.
• Students will better understand why it is beneficial for them to integrate application-style questions
into their self-assessments.
• Students will have an improved understanding of the learning goals for their courses
Topics By Request
For additional topic requests please email Jane Ferrick.
How do I access the OAS Canvas page?
If you do not see the OAS Canvas on your Canvas Dashboard, please email . OAS will respond to requests within 24 business hours.
How do I access Self-Guided Workshops?
All Academic Coaching Workshops are available on the OAS Canvas page.