Below are some publications that I have authored or collaborated with others. Please email me for full articles if not available through the links!
- Ramenzoni, V. C. (accepted). “The Sarong of the Sailfish: A Potent Object from Ende, Flores ”. Book Chapter.
- Helgeson, C., Auermuller, L., Gayle, D.B., Dangendorf, S., Gilmore, E.A., Keller, K., Kopp, R., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Oppenheimer, M., Parish, K., V. Ramenzoni, T. Wahl, and Tuana, N. (2024, under review at AGU Earth Futures) Exploratory scoping of place-based opportunities for convergence research.
Refereed Articles in Journals
- Valdés Massó, D., Vázquez Sánchez, V., Rangel Rivero, A., Borroto Escuela, D. Y., & Ramenzoni, V. C. (2024). Morfología facial y variables oclusales en adultos cubanos residentes en Yaguajay. Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica, 26(2), 090.
- Dadson, Y., Bennett Gayle, D., V.C. Ramenzoni, and E. Gilbert. (2024). “Experiences of Immigrants During Disasters in the US: A Systematic Literature Review”. Journal: Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
- Cristiá-Lara, L., Vázquez Sánchez, V., Valdés Massó, D., Monzón Álvarez, M., Rangel Rivero, A., and Ramenzoni, V.C. (2024). Patterns of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Farmers of the Rural Community of La Picadora, Cuba/ Patrones de Actividad FÍsica y Sedentaria en Campesinos de la Comunidad Rural de La Picadora, Cuba. Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, 13(2): pp. 71-90. DOI:
- Ramenzoni, V. C. (September 2024). “Slaves and green gold at the “End” of the world: dynamics of commodity exchanges in the Port-town of Ende, Flores, Eastern Indonesia”. Journal Crossroads 23: pp. 1-50.
- Ramenzoni, V.C. (2024). “Compounding disaster: Perceptions of coastal risk, extreme events, and oil and gas energy production in the Gulf of Mexico”. Journal: Journal of Energy Studies and Social Science 117: pp.11.
- D. Valdés Massó, V. Vázquez Sánchez, A. Rangel Rivero, D. A. Ojeda-Martínez, D. Y. Borroto Escuela, and V. C. Ramenzoni. (2024). Características sociodemográficas, estado nutricional y salud oral en adultos masculinos de Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus. Revista Médica Electrónica.
- Zhang, Yin. et al. (2023). Governance and Conservation Effectiveness in Protected Areas and Indigenous and Locally Managed Areas. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 48.
- Ramenzoni, V. C. (2023). “Kota Djogo: The Island that Never Was… the Role of Legends and Islamic Beliefs in Understanding Calamity and Disasters in Flores, Eastern Indonesia”. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde/Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia (BKI).
- Ramenzoni, V. C., V. Vázquez Sánchez, D. Valdés Massó, A. Rangel Rivero, and D. J. Hoffman. (2023). “Sistemas agrícolas en disrupción: impactos en la nutrición y salud alimentaria en Yaguajay, Cuba.” Estudios del Desarrollo Social: Cuba y América Latina 11 (3).
- Ramenzoni, V. C., V. Vázquez Sánchez, D. Valdés Massó, A. Rangel Rivero, D. Y. Borroto Escuela, and D. J. Hoffman. (2023). “When the Sugar Runs Out: Transitioning Agricultural Systems and Their Effect on Dietary Diversity in Yaguajay, Central Cuba.” Sustainability 15 (17): 13073.
- Ramenzoni, V. C. (2023). “Taboos, food avoidances, and diseases: Local epistemologies of health among Coastal Endenese in Eastern Indonesia”. Contribution to special section “Food, Nature, and Health: Dueling Epistemologies”. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Section Nutrition and Sustainable Diets, 7.
- López Castañeda, L., I. Hernández Ramos, D. Y. Borroto Escuela, A. Falcón Méndez, J. A. Caraballo Yera, N. V. Hernández López, S. P. Gonzalez-Díaz, V. Vázquez Sánchez, A. R. Rivero, C. Ramenzoni, M. R. Besonen, and D. Yoskowitz. (2021) “Estimación del valor económico total de los bienes y servicios ecosistémicos que provee el Parque Nacional Caguanes”. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas, 41(2), Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de La Habana.
- Borroto Escuela, D. Y., I. Hernández Ramos, A. Falcón Méndez, V. Vázquez Sánchez, A. R. Rivero, C. Ramenzoni, L. López Castañeda, S. P. González-Díaz, M. Besonen, D. Yoskowitz, and N. V. Hernández López. (2021) “Educación ambiental con pescadores de Yaguajay, desde la perspectiva del Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras”. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas, 41(2), Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de La Habana.
- Vázquez Sánchez, V., A. R. Rivero, D. Y. Borroto Escuela, and C. Ramenzoni. (2021). “Experiencias de mujeres residentes en Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, en la pesca artesanal”. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas, 41(2), Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de La Habana.
- González-Díaz, S. P., R. McLaughlin, C. Ramenzoni, N. V. Hernández López, M. Besonen, V. Vázquez Sánchez, A. R. Rivero, D. Yoskowitz, L. Rodríguez Viera, J. Gibeaut, F. N. Dias Marques Simoes, B. Martínez-Darana, D. Y. Borroto Escuela, A. Falcón Méndez, and I. Hernández Ramos. (2021). “El Parque Nacional Caguanes como polígono de formación doctoral dentro de una iniciativa trinacional”. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas, 41(2), Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de La Habana.
- Ramenzoni, V.C. (2021). “Co-governance, transregional maritime conventions, and indigenous customary practices among subsistence fishermen in Ende, Indonesia”. In Frontiers of Marine Sciences,
- Sarah Lindley Smith; A. Golden; C. Ramenzoni; D. R. Zemeckis; O. P. Jensen. (2020). “Adaptation and resilience of commercial fishers in the Northeastern United States during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.” PlosONE.
- Ramenzoni, V.C., et al. (2020) “Vulnerability of Fishery-Based Livelihoods to Extreme Events: Local Perceptions of Damages from Hurricane Irma and Tropical Storm Alberto in Yaguajay, Central Cuba”. Coastal Management.
- Ramenzoni, V.C., Besonen, M. et al. (2020). “Transnational research for coastal wetlands conservation in a Cuba–US setting”. Global Sustainability, 3(e19).
- Vázquez Sánchez Vanessa, A. Rangel Rivero, S. Peña Alcolea, Y. Alfonso Díaz Rodríguez, C. Ramenzoni, and D. A. Ojeda Matínez (2020). “Estilos de vida de campesinos y pescadores ocasionales residentes en Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba”. Revista Argentina de Antropología Biológica, 22(2) DOI: 10.24215/18536387e017.
- Kopp, R., E. A. Gilmore, C. M. Little, J. Lorenzo-Trueba, C. Ramenzoni, and W. Sweet. (2019). “Usable Science for Managing the Risks of Sea-Level Rise”. Earth’s Future. DOI: 10.1029/2018EF001145
- Ferro Azcona, H., Calderón-Contreras, R., Espinoza, A., Ramenzoni, V.C., de las Mercedes Gómez País, G. and A. Mesa Jurado. (2019) “Adaptive capacity and social-ecological resilience of coastal areas: a systematic review”. Ocean and Coastal Management, 173(1): 36-51.
- Vázquez Sánchez Vanessa, A. Rangel Rivero, S. Peña Alcolea, Y. Alfonso Díaz Rodríguez and C. Ramenzoni. (2018). “Estado nutricional y composición corporal de campesinos y pescadores ocasionales del municipio Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba”, Revista de Nutrición Clínica y Dietética Hospitalaria, 38(2): 139-144. DOI: 10.12873/382vvazquez
- Vázquez Sánchez, V., Rivero, A. R., Peña Alcolea, S., Díaz Fuentes, Y. A., and C. Ramenzoni. (2018) “Hábitos alimentarios de un grupo de pescadores ocasionales del municipio Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba: un enfoque ecológico2/9/20 13:16:00”. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas CIM (Centro de Investigaciones Marinas de la Universidad de La Habana), Vol. 38(1): 155-163. ISSN: 1991-6086
- Ramenzoni, V. C., J. Gravita Sari, and S. Adhima Putra (2017). “The roads to economic development in small scale fisheries in Ende, Flores, Indonesia: Institutional and socio-cultural shortcomings in implementing sustainable strategies”. IGSCI Jurnal Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
- Ramenzoni, V.C. and D. Yoskowitz. (2017). “Systematic review of recent social indicator efforts used to quantify and report the social dimension in U.S. coastal and ocean ecosystems (2000-2016).” Environment and Society: Advances in Research, 8(1): 9-39. doi:10.3167/ares.2017.080102
- Ramenzoni, V. C. (2017) “Reconstructing the history and the effects of mechanization in a small-scale fishery of Flores, Eastern Indonesia (1917-2014).” Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI: Also
- Samonte, G., C. Ramenzoni, T. Dacles, and D. Fortenbacher. (2016). “The Effect of Marine Protected Areas on Fishers Income in the Philippines”. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics.Vol. 3, Article 2. DOI:
- Ramenzoni, V. C. (2015). “Is Environmental Uncertainty Redefining Fishing Strategies? The Use of the Traditional Lunar Calendar to Allocate Fishing Effort in Ende, Eastern Indonesia” in Donald C. Wood (ed.) Climate Change, Culture, and Economics: Anthropological Investigations (Research in Economic Anthropology, Volume 35), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.177 – 211. DOI: 10.1108/S0190-128120150000035008.
- Ramenzoni, V. C. (2015/2013). “Destructive fishing practices in Ende, Flores, Indonesia: the importance of designing co-governance programs and policy-making in dealing with climate change”. Compendium of IASC 2013 Fellows and Travel Grantees, Foundation for Ecological Security, India. Also at Digital Library of the Commons.
- Ramenzoni, V. C. (2013). “Endenese fisheries: casting the net on local ecological knowledge. Exploratory findings on environmental perceptions, fish effort, and overfishing in Eastern Indonesia”. Ethnobiology letters 4:39-51.
- Knightley, E., V. Reyes Garcia, K. Demps, R. V. Magtanong, C. Ramenzoni, G. Thampy, M. Gueze and J. R. Stepp. (2013). “An empirical comparison of knowledge and skill in the context of traditional ecological knowledge”. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 9:71. doi:10.1186/1746-4269-9-71.
- Knightley, Eric & Reyes-García, V., K. Demps, R. Magtagnon, C. Ramenzoni, G. Thampy & Stepp, John. (2010). Measuring Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Does Knowledge Mean Skill? Tsimane’ Amazonian Panel Study Working Paper # 57.
- Ramenzoni, V. C., Saux Cervera, G., Irrazabal, N. & Minervino, R. A. (2007). “Efecto del Contenido en la Resolución de Tareas de Conjunción Probabilísticas”. XIV Anuario de Investigaciones; Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 33-39. SSN: 0329-5885 (print), ISSN: 1851-11686 (online).
- Ramenzoni, V.C. (2005) “El Uso de Informacion Socioecologica en la Resolucion de Razonamientos en Incertidumbre”. Revista Argentina de Antropologia Biologica 7(1):183.
- Ramenzoni, V. C., & Tella. M. (2005). “El uso de estereotipos en la construcción del consumidor”. VI Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias Antropológicas del Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano; Buenos Aires, Argentina. ISBN: 987- 95388-2-X.
Invited contributions (book chapters)
- Ramenzoni, V.C. et al. (2022) “Pesquerías de pequeña escala en Cuba: breve recorrido de su evolución, características, y posibles desafíos futuros”. In América Profunda: visiones y convergencias en la oceanografía social del continente. Narchi, N. and Beitl, C. (Editors). El Colegio de Michoacán, A.C. Departamento de Publicaciones, Michoacán, México: 117-136.
- López-Castañeda, Laura, J. Vázquez-Rodríguez, V. C. Ramenzoni, D. Yoskowitz, A. Rangel-Rivero, S. P. González-Díaz, V. Vázquez-Sánchez, A. Delgado-Pérez and D. Borroto-Escuela. (2020). “Cambios ambientales percibidos por pescadores artesanales residentes en Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba”, in Fishermen in Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities in the Face of Climate Change, Volume Edited by Graciela Alcalá and Ulsía Urrea, VIII Simposio Internacional del Carbono en México, CIEMAD, IPN, and Programa Mexicano del Carbono (PMC).
- González-Díaz, S.P., V. Vázquez-Sánchez, A. Rangel-Rivero, C. A. Antúnez, J. Vázquez-Rodríguez, V.C. Ramenzoni, M. Besonen, R. McLaughlin, D. Yoskowitz, L. López Castañeda, N. V. Hernández López, and D. Y. Borroto Escuela. (2019). “The Link Between the Montané Anthropological Museum, The Center for Marine Research, and The Harte Research Institute: Actions in La Picadora and Caguanes National Park”. In La Picadora: People and Nature in a Rural Cuban Community, V.V. Sánchez and A. R. Rivero (Compilers). Montané Museum, Universidad de La Habana, Fernando Ortíz Foundation, Havana. ISBN: 978-959-7249-09-2. pp. 157-169.
Reports / Other Publications
- ICES (2024). Working Group on the History of Fish and Fisheries (WGHIST; outputs from 2023 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports. Report.
- Satterthwaite, E. V., M. P. Clay, R. Seary, E. Smail, V.C. Ramenzoni, and C. Wilson. (2023). “Towards a Social Ecological Ocean Observing System for Society. An IOOC Summary Report: Ocean Societal Indicator Task Team”. Interagency Ocean Observation Committee, UCAR Center for Ocean Leadership.
- Ramenzoni, V. C. (2020). “Advancing a Societal Impact Assessment framework for oil and gas operations in the Northern Gulf of Mexico”. Final Report. NAS Exploratory Grants.
- Ramenzoni, V.C., Roman Cuesta, R. et al. (2019) Report CIFOR-USAID Workshop: “Understanding the role of climate in Indonesian fires (peat and nonpeat soils), to better support fire management interventions”. Jakarta, Indonesia. July 2019.
- Yoskowitz, D. and V.C. Ramenzoni (2019). “The Socioeconomic Environment of the Gulf of Mexico”. In McKinney LD, Besonen M, Withers K. (eds.). Proceedings: The Gulf of Mexico – Workshop on International Research. New Orleans (LA): U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. OCS Study BOEM 2019-045: 71-78.
- Samonte, G., P. Edwards, J. Royster, V. C. Ramenzoni and S. Morlock. (2017) “Socioeconomic Benefits of Habitat Restoration. NOAA Habitat Restoration and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Economic Impacts”. Technical Memorandum NMFS-OHC-1. National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- Ramenzoni, V. C. and Katya Wowk. (2015). “Vision and Strategy for Social Sciences”. Office of Program Planning and Integration, NOAA. Department of Commerce.
Published Translations
- Ramenzoni, V.C. (2019). “Landscapes of La Picadora’s Southern Piedmont: Impacts of Human Economic Footprints on the Ecosystem”. Chapter Eight (pp. 75-85), J. A. Rodríguez Sánchez, In “La Picadora: People and Nature in a Rural Cuban Community”, V.V. Sánchez and A. R. Rivero (Compilers). 2019. Translation from Spanish to English. Montané Museum, Universidad de La Habana, Fernando Ortíz Foundation, Havana. ISBN: 978-959-7249-09-2.