Tropical Climate Dynamics
Land-Atmosphere Interactions
Climate Diagnostics and Analysis
Current Group Members
Juan Perez Arango (PhD Student)
ENSO Tropical Teleconnections
Rani Wiggins (PhD Student)
Easterly waves, vertical atmospheric structure, and diurnal cycle of convection over Central America
Kelly Burghart (PhD Student)
Tropical-extratropical teleconnections
Lauren Hill-Beaton (MS Student)
SPCZ/double ITCZ
Dr. Bryan Raney (Programmer/Analyst)
Group Alumni
Dr. Alexis Berg (Postdoctoral Associate, 2011-2013)
Current Position: Research Associate, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Harvard University
Dr. Damianos Mantsis (Postdoctoral Associate, 2011-2014)
Current Position: Data Scientist, Information Technology Institute (Centre for Research and Technology), Greece
Dr. Kyle Clem (Postdoctoral Associate, 2017-2019)
Current Position: Research Fellow, School of Geography, Environmental and Earth Science, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Dr. Jaya Khanna (Visiting Scientist, 2018-2019)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, School of Earth & Planetary Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research, India
Dr. Matt Niznik (PhD Student, 2010-2015)
Current Position: Research Associate, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University
Lalitha Kommajosyula (MS Student, 2011-2013)
Current Position:
Chi Zhang (MS Student, 2016-2019)
Current Position:
Sarah Tannenbaum (MS Student, 2016-2021)
Current Position: