Quantum information and optics with superconducting systems
Course information
- Title: 16:750:681 Advanced Topics in Solid State I
- Prerequisites: Phys 501/502: Graduate quantum mechanics or Phys 417: Intermediate Quantum Mechanics or an equivalent course. Contact the instructor if you are worried about your QM background.
- Instructor: Srivatsan Chakram (Vatsan), schakram@physics.rutgers.edu
- Textbooks/Reading Material:
- Quantum Optics/Superconducting circuits
- Exploring the Quantum: Atoms, Cavities, and Photons (Serge Haroche, Jean-Michel Raimond)
- Quantum information and optics with Superconducting Circuits (Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll)
- Lecture notes, Theses and Review papers on Superconducting circuits
- Textbooks on superconductivity
- Degennes, Schrieffer, Tinkham
- Simulations
- Quantum Optics/Superconducting circuits
- Class Location: Serin 385E
- Class times: Tuesdays and Fridays, 12:10 PM – 1:30 PM
- Assignments and Grading: Biweekly assignments and a final report/presentation on a contemporary topic in Superconducting Quantum Information.
01:750:681 Advanced Solid State I is a special topics course that will introduce superconducting quantum systems/optics. The first part of the course will provide introduce Quantum optics, Superconductivity, and Superconducting circuits. The latter half of the course will explore quantum information and optics through contemporary experiments in the field, ending with recent developments in quantum error correction.
Module Topic # of lectures 1 Engineered quantum systems 2 2 Primer on Quantum mechanics 2 3 Introduction to Quantum Optics 3.5 4 Primer on Superconductivity 2 5 Quantum electrical circuits 2 6 Superconducting qubits 3 7 Decoherence in Superconducting Qubits, Open Quantum systems 2 8 Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics 2 9 Superconducting Quantum Optics 2 10 Quantum Computing with superconducting qubits 2 11 Quantum error correction 3 Engineered quantum systems
- Introduction
- DiVincenzo Criteria
- Overview of different platforms
- Atoms
- Ions
- Photons controlled by atoms
- Solid state defects
- Superconducting circuits
Primer on Quantum mechanics
- Review of postulates of Quantum Mechanics
- Qubits, Spin 1/2 system, Bloch sphere, Density matrices
- Entanglement, Reduced density matrices, Entanglement entropy
- Quantum measurement
Introduction to Quantum Optics
- Oscillators
- Quantization of fields in the cavity and free space
- Properties of photons, field commutation relations
- Number states, coherent states, squeezed states
- Semi-classical light-matter interactions
- Coupling a qubit to an oscillator: Jaynes-Cummings model
- Cavity Quantum electrodynamics
- Stimulated and spontaneous emission processes
Primer on superconductivity
- Phenomenology
- BCS theory
- Josephson effect
- Single particle quantum mechanics of the superconducting phase
Quantum electrical circuits
- Quantum LC oscillator
- Charge and phase as conjugate variables
- Circuit quantization
- Transmission lines
Superconducting qubits
- Charge qubits
- Transmon
- Flux qubits/Fluxonium
- Decoherence and Noise in Superconducting Circuits
- Protected qubits, zero pi, current mirror, Bifluxon
Open quantum systems
- Density matrix description
- The Lindblad operator and master equations
- Decay and dephasing in the driven Rabi model
- Ramsey experiments
- T1, Spin echo measurements and Dynamical decoupling
Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
- Interaction between a superconducting qubit and a microwave resonator
- Protecting a qubit from the continuum, The Purcell effect
- Vacuum Rabi oscillations
- The dispersive limit, dispersive shift, Schrieffer-Wolf transformation
- Concept of coopoperativity
- Quantum Measurements
Quantum optics with superconducting cavities and circuits
- Photon number splitting
- Universal Quantum control of cavity states
- Selective number dependent arbitrary phase (SNAP) gates
- 4-wave mixing using the nonlinearity of the Josephson Junction.
- Photon Blockade
- Coherent homodyne and heterodyne detection, coherence functions, Wigner tomography
- Generating non-classical states, Cat States, Fock states
- Cavity gates, CNOT, Beamsplitters
Quantum computing with superconducting qubits
- Fixed frequency versus tunable architectures
- Cavities as a bus between qubits
- Parametric gates
- Cross resonance gate
Quantum error correction
- Error-correction with distributed qubits
- Bit flip code
- Laflamme criterion
- Shor/Steane codes
- Surface code
- Quantum error correction of cavity states
- Amplitude damping codes
- Cat codes
- Binomial codes
- GKP codes
- Autonomous error correction
Lecture Dates Topic Notes Module 1 Sep. 6 Course Overview, Introduction to Engineered Quantum Systems Lec 1 notes Module 1 2 Sep. 9 Overview of different physical platforms – Atoms, Ions, Photons, Defect Center, Superconducting qubits, DiVincenzo Criteria Lec2 notes Module 1 3 Sep. 13 Primer on Quantum Mechanics, Quantum states and observables, Qubits, Bloch Spheres, Quantum Measurement, Unitary evolution, Canonical Quantization, Density Matrices Lec3 notes Module 2 4 Sep. 16 Composite Systems, Entanglement, Oscillators, Quantization of fields, Commutation relations, Number States Lec4 Notes Module 2 5 Sep. 20 Coherent States, Phase space representations of an oscillator, Husimi Q function, Wigner functions, Cat states, Squeezed States Lec5 Notes Module 3 6 Sep. 23 Phase space distributions continued, Quantizing electromagnetic fields, Semiclassical light-matter interactions, Rabi oscillations, Ramsey experiments Lec 6 Notes Module 3 7 Sep. 27 Cavity QED, Jaynes Cummings model, Vacuum Rabi oscillations, Universal control, Dispersive limit of JC model Lec 7 Notes Module 3 8 Sep. 30 QND measurements using the dispersive interaction, Start of Primer on Superconductivity, Superconductivity Phenomenology Lec 8 Notes Module 4 9 Oct. 4 London’s equations, Explaining the Meissner effect, Penetration depth, The isotope effect and role of electron-phonon coupling, Cooper instability, Cooper pairs Lec 9 Notes Module 4 10 Oct. 7 BCS theory, Wavefunction, Number and phase as canonical conjugates, Mean field approximation, Bogoliubov Quasiparticles, Gap equation Lec10 Notes Module 4 11 Oct. 10 Ginzburg Landau theory for superfluids and superconductors, Gauge symmetry, Coherence length and penetration depth, Meissner effect, Fluxoid quantization, Josephson effect Lec 11 notes Module 4 12 Oct. 14 Canonical conjugateness of Number/Charge and Phase revisited, More on the Josephson effect, Current Phase relation, AC Josephson effect, Ambegaonkar Baratoff Relation, Introduction to superconducting electrical circuits, LC Oscillator Lec 12 notes Module 4 13 Oct. 21 Lumped circuit elements, Quantum LC Oscillator, Relation between flux and phase, Zero point flux, phase, and voltage fluctuations, Coupled LC oscillators Lec 13 notes Module 5 14 Oct. 28 Circuit networks, Node and Branch variables, SQUIDs and flux periodicity, Generalization of Kirchoff’s laws Module 5 15 Nov. 1 Circuit quantization, Spanning trees and closure branches, Flux in a loop, Method of nodes, Transmission lines Lec 14 and 15 notes Module 5 16 Nov 4 Overview of superconducting qubits, Charge qubits, Inductively shunted qubits, Cooper pair box, Hamiltonian and spectrum, Sensitivity to charge noise, Eliminating charge noise – the transmon Lec 16 notes Module 6 17 Nov. 8 The analogy between a CPB and a quantum Rotor, The Cooper pair box in the phase basis, The transmon, Charge & Phase fluctuations, Connections with Bloch theory, the dependence of wavefunctions on ng, exponential suppression of charge noise dephasing Lec 17 notes Module 6 18 Nov. 11 More on the transmon, insensitivity to charge noise dephasing, Anharmonicity and gate speed, Charge matrix elements, and sensitivity to decay, Tunable transmon Lec 18 notes Module 6 19 Nov. 15 JC model revisited, Vacuum Rabi oscillations, Dispersive limit, Readout, Quantum Non-Demolition Measurement using cQED Lec 19 Notes Module 6 20 Nov. 17 The Fluxonium Circuit, Junction array as a superinductor, Fluxonium Hamiltonian, Insensitivity to offset charges, Potential as a function of flux, Fluxons and Plasmons, Spectra, wavefunctions, and transitions, Matrix elements Lec 20 Notes Module 6 21 Nov. 18 Fluxonium contd. Qubit relaxation/decay, Fermi’s golden rule, Qubit connected to an environmental impedance, Quantum limit of Johnson noise, Effect of a finite temperature bath, Detailed balance. Module 7 22 Nov. 22 Sources of qubit decay (capacitive loss, quasiparticles) and dephasing (flux and charge noise), Coherence time versus flux for fluxonium, The Purcell effect Module 7 23 Nov. 29 Open quantum systems, Markovian baths, CPTP maps, The Lindblad Master equation, master equation for qubit decay, measuring decoherence: T1 & Ramsey expts, qubit spectroscopy Lec 23 Notes Module 7 24 Dec. 1 Quantum computing with superconducting qubits, Fixed frequency versus tunable architectures, Cavities as a bus between qubits, Parametric gates, Cross resonance gates, Randomized Benchmarking, Process Tomography 25 Dec 2 Quantum optics with High Q cavities, Control of cavity states with a superconducting qubit, Photon number splitting, SNAP gates, 4-wave mixing, Parity measurements, Wigner tomography, Cavity gates – CNOT, Beamsplitter operations, 26 Dec. 6 Error-correction with superconducting qubits, Bit flip code, Laflamme criterion, Shor/Steane codes, Surface code, Quantum error correction of cavity states 27 Dec. 9 Course Presentations 28 Dec. 13 Course Presentations