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Our group’s research is focused on building new quantum information processors and simulators that combine superconducting circuits with high-Q microwave cavities. We build multimode cavity-QED systems that reduce the complexity of quantum information processing and storage by coupling a single or a few superconducting circuits (logical elements) to a spectrum of long-lived 3D cavity modes (memories). These systems are promising for exploring quantum optics approaching the many-body regime, in an inherently non-equilibrium setting with tunable interactions and dissipation. We plan to use these systems to build exotic quantum states of microwave photons, explore different schemes for quantum control and error correction, and develop new hardware that improves on gate fidelities. 

Past work on superconducting quantum systems

My postdoctoral research in the group of Dave Schuster at U.Chicago focused on quantum information processing with multimode circuit quantum electrodynamics (multimode cQED). We demonstrated the feasibility of universal quantum computing in this architecture by implementing random access processor in a planar chip. We also developed a general technique for building high-coherence multimode cavities that can be efficiently coupled to superconducting qubits and leveraged the coherence improvements and strong interactions with the superconducting transmon circuit to engineer a new non-local many-body interaction (multimode photon blockade) between microwave photons. The improvements in the coherence and thermal occupations that we achieved for 3D cQED systems also enabled the demonstration of a new scheme for detecting low-mass dark matter by using superconducting qubits as photon counters. In addition, I also helped demonstrate a new superconducting circuit variant called the heavy-fluxonium, and transmon qubits with novel junctions comprised of two-dimensional Van-der Waals materials. A few highlights of this research are detailed below. For more information, please look at our Publications.