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For a full list of my publications, please see my C.V. Here are some things that have come out recently…

Quick, Virginia, Lauren B. Errickson*, Graham E. Bastian*, Grace Chang**, Sarah Davis**, Anthony Capece***, and Ethan D. Schoolman. 2022. “Preserving farm freshness: Consumer preferences for local value-aded products at urban farmers markets.” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 11(2): 1-22. DOI:  10.5304/jafscd.2022.112.004

Han, Guang, Ethan D. Schoolman, J. Gordon Arbuckle Jr., and Lois Wright Morton. 2021. “Weather, values, capacity and concern: Toward a social-cognitive model of specialty crop farmers’ perceptions of climate change risk.” Environment and Behavior 00(0): 1-36. DOI: 10.1177/00139165211026607

Schoolman, Ethan D., Lois Wright Morton, J. Gordon Arbuckle Jr., and Guang Han*. 2021. “Marketing to the foodshed: Why do farmers participate in local food systems?” Journal of Rural Studies 84: 240-253. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.08.055

Schoolman, Ethan D. 2020. “Local food and civic engagement: Do farmers who market local food feel more responsible for their communities?” Rural Sociology 85(3): 806-839. DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12326

Schoolman, Ethan D. 2020. “Building community, benefiting neighbors: ‘Buying local’ by people who do not fit the mold for ‘ethical consumers’.” Journal of Consumer Culture 20(3): 285-304. DOI: 10.1177/1469540517717776

*Graduate student; **Undergraduate student; ***Community partner

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