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Graduate students

The Computational Energy Materials Lab is currently open for Ph.D. candidates, MS students, and undergraduate students for lab rotations and research. 

Students who are interested in research in computational materials and molecules for applications in energy and sustainability, e.g., battery materials, solar-cell materials, catalysis, structural materials, nano materials, molecular and atomic clusters, as well as programming using Python and Matlab, are encouraged to apply to the Ph.D. and MS programs of Computational and Integrative Biology (CCIB) at Rutgers University-Camden:

or apply to the Ph.D. or MS programs of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) at Rutgers University-New Brunswick:

Students interested in pursuing the Master of Science degree in the Camden campus can also apply to the new Chemistry/Physics joint Chemistry and Molecular Technology program.

Current Rutgers graduate students in CCIB at the Camden campus or in MSE at the New Brunswick campus who are interested in a rotation in the Computational Energy Materials Lab should send an email to Hong Fang at:

Undergraduate students

We have some slots for undergraduate students to participate in the research.

Talented and motivated undergraduate students who would like to join the research in Computational Energy Materials Lab are encouraged to contact Hong Fang at:

Rutgers University has resources to support excellent undergraduates for their research.