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PI, Assistant Professor of Physics
Area of Study/Expertise
Materials Physics, Energy materials, Sustainability, Modeling and Computation
Office Location
Camden Nursing and Science Building (CNS), CNS-216A, 530 Federal Street Camden, NJ 08102
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Hong Fang

Assistant Professor

Hong Fang is an assistant professor in the Department of Physics. He received his doctorate in materials physics from the University of Cambridge and his bachelor of science in physics from East China Normal University and Bielefeld University. He has worked in various fields at the intersection of condensed-matter physics, materials science, neutron physics, and physical chemistry. His current research is mainly on the modeling of solid-state energy materials and theories of spatially and temporally correlated transport phenomena and dynamics. One unique idea is to use polyatomic clusters instead of individual ions as the building block of materials to achieve superior properties. His research interest also includes biopolymers, novel carbon allotropes, and charged atomic clusters. Hong’s work has appeared in leading scientific journals such as PNAS, Nature Communications, Angew. Chem., Joule, PRX Energy, and Reports on Progress in Physics. He serves as Invited Reviewer for the Vehicle Technologies Office of the U.S. Department of Energy. He also serves as the co-Chair of the Climate Action Group of Rutgers Camden aiming to promote sustainability and renewable energy by teaching and research.


Awards & Distinctions


  • 50:750:374:91 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMT (Fall Semester)
  • 50:460:101 INTRODUCTION TO EARTH (Spring Semester)
  • 50:160:345 Physical Chem I (Fall Semester)