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We invite members kindly to submit details of their publications on topics related to Greek song for incorporation into the website Bibliography. Please submit to:

When giving notice of publications members are kindly requested to use the format adopted in the Bibliography and to provide an indication of the subject-heading(s) under which they should be included.

The lists of publications on this page aim to complement Douglas E. Gerber extensive and annotated bibliographies of archaic and classical Greek lyric, and iambic and elegiac poetry for the years 1920-1989:

  • Gerber, Douglas E. (1989) ‘Pindar and Bacchylides 1934-1987’, Lustrum 31: 97-269.
  • Gerber, Douglas E. (1990) ‘Pindar and Bacchylides 1934-1987 (Continuation)’, Lustrum 32: 7-98.
  • Gerber, Douglas E. (1991) ‘Early Greek elegy and iambus 1921-1989’, Lustrum 33: 7-225 and 401-10.
  • Gerber, Douglas E. (1993) ‘Greek lyric poetry since 1920. Part I: General, Lesbian poets’, Lustrum 35: 7-179.
  • Gerber, Douglas E. (1994) ‘Greek lyric poetry since 1920. Part II: From Alcman to fragmenta adespota’, Lustrum 36: 7-188 and 285-97.

See, too, Arlette Neumann-Hartmann recently published bibliography for Pindar and Bacchylides covering the years 1988 – 2007:

  • Neumann-Hartmann, Arlette (2010) ‘Pindar und Bakchylides (1988-2007)’, Lustrum: Internationale Forschungsberichte aus dem Bereich des klassischen Altertums 52: 181-463.

The bibliography follows Gerber’s division into genres and ancient poets.