Sahil’s research focused on understanding how heavy metal contamination shapes biodiversity in brownfields. During his PhD, he studied effects of metal contamination on diversity of epigeic invertebrate community and particularly on populations of terrestrial isopods in urban brownfields at Liberty State Park (LSP) in New Jersey, USA. In summer of 2008, he completed his Master’s degree at New Jersey Institute of Technology where he worked on examining competitive ability (in terms of belowground and above ground biomass) of native Spartina patensgenotypes against invasive Phragmites australis. In addition to research, he is also passionate about science education/teaching.
Exposure to heavy metal stress does not increase fluctuating asymmetry in populations of isopod and hardwood trees. , Wadhwa S, Gallagher FJ, Rodriguez-Saona C, Holzapfel C, 2017
Ecological Indicators -
Allometry and photosynthetic capacity of poplar (Populus deltoides) along a metal contamination gradient in an urban brownfield., Renninger, H.J. Wadhwa S, Gallagher F, Vanderklein D, Schäfer KR, 2013
Urban Ecosystems