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New Trees on Campus

Rutgers University Newark Awarded $100,290 Grant To Plant Trees  Newark, NJ – Rutgers University was awarded a $100,290 Trees for Schools grant to fund the costs associated with the purchase … Read More

MAPS site at Teaneck Creek Conservancy – year 2 (2024)

We started this year’s mist-netting and bird banding program as part of the national MAPS program (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) that is run by the Institute for Bird Populations. … Read More

Bird Banding Operation on Campus 2024

  2024 April May 17 19 22 24 26 29 3 6 9 sum American Goldfinch AMGO 1 2 3 American Robin AMRO 1 1 Brown Thrasher BRTH 1 1 … Read More

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