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In Fall 2024, I am teaching Sections 1 and 2 of Business Data Management in New Brunswick, Section 1 of Computer Network Applications in Newark, and Advanced Database Systems in Newark. See previous terms for example syllabi for my courses.

2024 Fall Semester

Whether your company is small or large, you can benefit from a database system.  Even our cell phones use a modern database system, SQLite, to organize our personal data including our phone contacts.  While database systems are often designed to share data across many stakeholders, an individual can benefit from building a database to manage and analyze a business.  The database system enforces consistency as it records the transactions of the business.  It supports combining data from multiple business functions to discover new insights.  This semester my classes will explore the myriad ways data can be acquired, stored, managed, analyzed and made available to foster business success.

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Where is all the data?

As you learn data science, and even when you’re a long-time data scientist, you will eventually ask: “How can I acquire the data I need?”  Sometimes, you need to obtain … Read More

The Data in Data Science

Data science starts with the data, and there are several steps to preparing data for exploration, hypothesis formation, analysis and visualization.  First, data must be acquired.  It may be available … Read More

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