Scheduled Performances
Refer to the Jazz Event Calendar (and also MGSA-wide events)
Student Complimentary Tickets: refer to the Request Form link on the MGSA Student Resources page
Ensemble Policies
Large Ensemble Policies
Ensemble Sectionals: Graduate Assistants assigned to ensembles are responsible for overseeing that section leaders schedule regular sectional rehearsals on a monthly basis, at minimum, or as indicated by the ensemble director. Sectionals are namely for Jazz Ensemble I and Jazz Ensemble II. Section groups are defined as:
- Saxophone section
- Trombone section
- Trumpet section
- Rhythm section
Section leaders will be determined at the start of each semester and must organize and run rehearsals at a mutually agreed time, outside of class schedules. The following criteria apply:
- Sectional rehearsals must include all section members at all times
- The ensemble director will appoint a rhythm section leader for each semester
- Additional sectionals may be assigned and required at the discretion of the ensemble director
Chamber Ensemble Policies
Writing Assignments: Small ensemble (Chamber Jazz and Alt-Large Ensemble) courses are to observe the following writing assignment mandate, per their ensemble directors. All students except 1st-year undergrads will be assigned at least one written assignment each semester, as follows:
- Students will prepare written/printed charts for their chamber ensemble to rehearse throughout the semester.
- Material can be original compositions or arrangements catering to their ensemble’s current instrumentation
- These projects can then be used for recitals and other performances.
- Members not taking an ensemble for credit must still produce written charts as enforced by the ensemble director
- 1st-year undergrad students are encouraged to contribute, as they are able.