Osumi, Yuki: Fluorescent Detection of Carbon Disulfide with an Isoreticular Series of Interpenetrated Zr-based LMOFs
Title: Fluorescent Detection of Carbon Disulfide with an Isoreticular Series of Interpenetrated Zr-based LMOFs
Name: Yuki Osumi
Major: Chemistry
School affiliation: Honors College, School of Arts and Sciences
Programs: Honors College Capstone
Other contributors: Ever Valesco, Jing Li
Abstract: In this paper, we report the synthesis and characterization of two isoreticular interpenetrated Zr-based luminescent metal organic frameworks (MOF) for the selective detection and capture of carbon disulfide. We also study the molecular interactions between carbon disulfide and the Zr MOFs by in-situ FTIR measurements and computational (DFT) modeling.