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1999 Morin, P. J. Community Ecology. Blackwell Science, Inc. Malden, MA. 424 pages.

2010 Verhoef, H. A.. and P. J. Morin (eds.). Community Ecology: Processes, Models, and Applications. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 247 pages.

2011 Morin, P. J. Community Ecology 2e. Wiley-Blackwell. Oxford, UK. 407 pages.

Papers, Book Chapters, & Reviews

1981. Morin, P. J. Predatory salamanders reverse the outcome of competition among three species of anuran tadpoles. Science 212: 1284-1286.

1981. Morin, P. J. On zooplankton and planktivory. Ecology 62:1691. (Book review).

1983. Morin, P. J. Predation, competition, and the composition of larval anuran guilds. Ecological Monographs 53: 119-138. (George Mercer Award – 1985 – Ecological Society of America).

1983. Morin, P. J. Competitive and predatory interactions in natural and experimental populations of Notophthalmus viridescens dorsalis and Ambystoma tigrinum. Copeia 1983: 628-639.

1983. Morin, P. J., H. M. Wilbur, and R. N. Harris. Salamander predation and the structure of experimental communities: responses of Notophthalmus and microcrustacea. Ecology 64: 1430-1436.

1983. Wilbur, H. M., P. J. Morin, and R. N. Harris. Salamander predation and the structure of experimental communities: anuran responses. Ecology 64: 1423-1429.

1984. Morin, P. J. The impact of fish exclusion on the abundance and species composition of larval odonates: results of short-term experiments in a North Carolina farm pond. Ecology 65: 53-60.

1984. Morin, P. J. Lizard ecology: a symposium. Ecology 65: 1027. (Book review)

1984. Morin, P. J. Odonate guild composition: experiments with colonization history and fish predation. Ecology 65: 1866-1873.

1985. Morin, P. J. Predation intensity, injury frequency, and prey survival in an amphibian predator-prey interaction. Copeia 1985 (3): 638-644.

1986. Morin, P. J. Interactions between intraspecific competition and predation in an amphibian predator-prey system. Ecology 67: 713-720.

1986. Morin, P. J. A predation primer? Ecology 67: 822-823. (Book review)

1987. Morin, P. J. Microcrustacean community structure: roles of density-dependent predation and seasonal succession. Pages 174-187, in W. C. Kerfoot and A. Sih, eds. Predation: direct and indirect impacts on aquatic communities. University Press of New England.

1987. Morin, P. J. Predation, breeding asynchrony, and the outcome of competition among treefrog tadpoles. Ecology 68: 675-683.

1988. Wilbur, H. M. and P. J. Morin. Life history evolution in turtles. Pages 387 – 439, in R. Huey and C. Gans, eds. The Biology of the Reptilia, Volume 16. Alan R. Liss, NY.

1988. Dunham, A. E., P. J. Morin, and H. M. Wilbur. Methods for the study of reptile life histories. Pages 331 – 386, in R. Huey and C. Gans, eds. The Biology of the Reptilia, Volume 16. Alan R. Liss, NY.

1988. John-Alder, H. B., P. J. Morin, and S. P. Lawler. Thermal physiology, phenology, and distribution of treefrogs. American Naturalist 132(4): 506-520.

1988. Morin, P. J. Effects of vertebrate predation on zooplankton community composition. ISI Atlas of Science: Animal and Plant Sciences 1: 5-8.

1988. Morin, P. J., S. P. Lawler, and E. A. Johnson. Competition between aquatic insects and vertebrates: interaction strength and higher order interactions. Ecology 69: 1401-1409.

1988. Morin, P. J. and E. A. Johnson. Experimental studies of asymmetric competition among anurans. Oikos 53(3): 398-407.

1988. Lawler, S. P. and P. J. Morin. Review of The Ecology of Temporary Waters by D. D. Williams. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 117 (4): 417. (Book Review).

1989. Morin, P. J. New directions in amphibian community ecology. Herpetologica 45(1): 124-128.

1989. Morin, P. J. Review of The Ecology of Salamander Guilds. The Quarterly Review of Biology 64(2): 217- 218. (Book Review).

1989. Grizzle. R. E., and P. J. Morin. Effects of tidal currents, seston, and sediments on growth of Mercenaria mercenaria: results of a field experiment. Marine Biology 102: 85-93.

1990. Morin, P. J., S. P. Lawler, and E. A. Johnson. Breeding phenology and the larval ecology of Hyla andersonii: the disadvantages of breeding late. Ecology 71: 1590-1598.

1990. John-Alder, H. B., and P. J. Morin. Effects of larval density on jumping ability and stamina in newly metamorphosed Bufo woodhousii fowleri. Copeia 1990: 856-860.

1990. P. J. Morin. Decades of Turtles. Review of Life History and Ecology of the Slider Turtle, by J. Whitfield Gibbons. Science 250: 1164. (Book Review).

1993. S. P. Lawler and P. J. Morin. Food web architecture and population dynamics in laboratory microcosms of protists. The American Naturalist 141 (5): 675-686.

1993. S. P. Lawler and P. J. Morin. Temporal overlap, competition, and priority effects in larval anurans. Ecology 74 (1): 174-182.

1993. P. J. Morin, C. M. K. Kaunzinger, L. M. Kurzava, M. S. Laska, P. A. McMillan, and E. M. Obee. Book Review: Real, Leslie. A., and James H. Brown (eds.). 1991. Foundations of Ecology. Ecology 74(1): 273-274.

1994. Kurzava, L. M., and Morin, P. J. Consequences and causes of geographic variation in the body size of a keystone predator, Notophthalmus viridescens . Oecologia 99: 271-280.

1995. Morin, P. J. Functional redundancy, nonadditive interactions, and supply-side dynamics in experimental pond communities. Ecology 76: 133-149.

1995. Morin, P. J. and S. P. Lawler. Food web architecture and population dynamics: theory and empirical evidence. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 505-529.

1996. Morin, P. J. and S. P. Lawler. Effects of food chain length and omnivory on population dynamics in experimental food webs. Pages 218-230, in G. A. Polis and K. Winemiller (eds.), Food Webs: Integration of Patterns and Dynamics. Chapman & Hall.

1996. McGrady-Steed, J. and P. J. Morin. Experimental studies of disturbance and diversity in the microbial communities of rain pools. Oikos 76:93-102.

1997. McGrady-Steed, J., P. M. Harris, and P. J. Morin. 1997. Biodiversity regulates ecosystem predictability. Nature 390: 162-165.

1998. Kurzava, L.M. and P.J. Morin. Experimental tests of functional equivalence: Complementary roles of salamanders and fish in organizing amphibian assemblages. Ecology 79:477-489.

1998. Morin, P.J. Realism, precision, and generality in experimental tests of ecological theory. Pages 50-70 in W.J. Resetarits and J. Bernardo (eds). Issues and Perspectives in Experimental Ecology. Oxford University Press.

1998. Kaunzinger, C.M.K. and P.J. Morin. Productivity controls food-chain properties in microbial communities. Nature 395:495-497.

1999. Morin, P. J. Community Ecology. Blackwell Science, Inc. Malden , MA . 424 pages.

1999. Morin, P. J. Productivity, intraguild predation, and population dynamics in experimental food webs. Ecology 80: 752-760.

1999. Petchey, O. L., P. Timon McPhearson, T. M. Casey, & P. J. Morin. Environmental warming alters food web structure and ecosystem function. Nature 402:69-72.

2000. McGrady-Steed, J. and P. J. Morin. Biodiversity, density compensation and the dynamics of populations and functional groups. Ecology 81: 361-373.

2000. Morin, P. J. The complexity of co-dependency. Nature 403: 718-719. (News & Views).

2000. Morin, P. J. Biodiversity’s ups and downs. Nature 406: 463-464. (News & Views).

2001. Fox, J. W. and P. J. Morin. Effects of intra- and interspecific interactions on species responses to environmental change. J. Anim. Ecology 70: 80-90.

2001. John N. Thompson , O. J. Reichman, Peter J. Morin, Gary A. Polis, Mary E. Power, Robert W. Sterner, Carol A. Couch, Laura Gough, Robert Holt, David U. Hooper, Felicia Keesing, Charles R. Lovell, Bruce T. Milne, Manuel C. Molles, David W. Roberts, and Sharon Y. Strauss. Frontiers of Ecology. Bioscience 51: 15-24.

2001. Hulot, F. D., P. J. Morin, & M. Loreau. Interactions between algae and the microbial loop in experimental microcosms. Oikos 95: 231-238.

2001. Long, Zachary T. and P. J. Morin. Review of Stability in Model Populations by L. D, Mueller and A. Joshi. Quarterly Review of Biology 76: 518.

2002. Mary L. Cadenasso, Steward T. A. Pickett & Peter J. Morin. Mammalian herbivore influence on old field succession: Community structure and seedling survival. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 129(3): 228-237.

2002. Petchey, O. L., Morin, P. J., Hulot, F. D., Loreau, M., McGrady-Steed, J. and Naeem, S. 2002. Contributions of aquatic model systems to our understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. – In: Loreau, M., Naeem, S. and Inchausti, P. (eds.), Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Syntheses and Perspectives. Oxford University Press, pp. 127-138.

2003. Morin, P. J. Community ecology and the genetics of interacting species. Ecology 84: 577-580.

2003. Fukami, T. and P. J. Morin. Productivity-biodiversity relationships depend on the history of community assembly. Nature 424:423-426.

2004. Paul Giller, Helmut Hillebrand, Ulrike-G. Berninger, Mark O. Gessner, Stephen Hawkins, Pablo Inchausti, Cheryl Inglis, Heather Leslie, Björn Malmqvist, Michael T. Monaghan, Peter J. Morin and Gregory O’Mullan. Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning: emerging issues and their experimental test in aquatic environments. Oikos 104:423-436.

2004. Morin, P. J. and J. McGrady-Steed. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in aquatic microbial systems: a new analysis of temporal variation and diversity-predictability relations. Oikos 104:458-466.

2004. Price, J. E. and P. J. Morin. Colonization history determines alternate community states in a food web of intraguild predators. Ecology 85(4):1017-1028.

2004. Lin Jiang and Peter J. Morin. Temperature-dependent interaction strength explains unexpected responses to environmental warming in competitive communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 569-576.

2004. Moore, J. C., E. L. Berlow, D. C. Coleman, P. C. Ruiter, Q. Dong, A. Hastings, N. C. Johnson, K. S. McCann, K. Melville, P. J. Morin, K. Nadelhoffer, A. D. Rosemond, D. M. Post, J. L. Sabo, K. M. Scow, M. J. Vanni, and D. H. Wall. Detritus, trophic dynamics and biodiversity. Ecology Letters 7:584-600.

2004. Morin, P. J. and J. W. Fox. Diversity in the deep blue sea. Nature 429: 813-814. (News & Views).

2004. Lin Jiang and Peter J. Morin. Productivity gradients cause positive diversity-invasibility relations in microbial communities. Ecology Letters 7: 1047-1057.

2005. Lin Jiang and Peter J. Morin. Predator diet breadth influences the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down control of prey biomass and diversity. Am. Nat. 165: 350-363.

2005. Steiner, C., Z. Long, J. Krumins, and P. Morin. Temporal stability of aquatic food webs: partitioning the effects of species diversity, species composition and enrichment. Ecology Letters 8: 819-828.

2005. Zachary T. Long and Peter J. Morin. Effects of organism size and community composition on ecosystem functioning. Ecology Letters 8: 1271-1285.

2005. Petchey, O. L., J. McGrady-Steed, and P. J. Morin. Measuring the functional diversity of food webs. Pages 334-347, in P. C. de Ruiter, V. Walters, and J. C. Moore (eds.), Dynamic Food Webs- Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. Elsevier-Academic Press.

2005. Morin, P. J. Food Webs, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Functioning. Pages 267-269, in P. C. de Ruiter, V. Walters, & J. C. Moore (eds.), Dynamic Food Webs- Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. Elsevier-Academic Press.

2006. Jennifer B. Hughes Martiny, Brendan J.M. Bohannan, James H. Brown, Robert Colwell, Jed Fuhrman, Jessica Green, M. Claire Horner-Devine,Matthew Kane, Jennifer Adams Krumins, Cheryl R. Kuske, Peter Morin, Shahid Naeem, Lise øvreås, Anna-Louise Reysenbach, Val Smith, James Stale y. Microbial biogeography: Putting microorganisms on the map. Nature Reviews Microbiology 4: 102-112.

2006. Steiner, C., Z. Long, J. Krumins, and P. Morin. Po pulation and community resilience in multitrophic communities. Ecology 87: 996-1007.

2006. Jennifer Adams Krumins, Zachary T. Long, Christopher F. Steiner and Peter J. Morin. Effects of food web diversity and productivity on bacterial community function and composition. Functional Ecology 20: 514-521.

2006 . Zachary T. Long, Christopher F. Steiner, Jennifer Adams Krumins, and Peter J. Morin. Species richness and allometric scaling jointly determine biomass in model aquatic food webs. J. Anim. Ecol. 75: 1014-1023.

2007. P. J. Morin. Experimental studies of food webs: causes and consequences of trophic interactions. Pages 87-100, in Neil Rooney, Kevin S. McCann, David L. G. Noakes, (eds.), From Energetics to Ecosystems: The Dynamics and Structure of Ecological Systems. Springer-Verlag.

2007. L. Jiang and P. J. Morin. Temperature fluctuation facilitates coexistence of competing species in experimental microbial communities. J. Animal Ecology 76: 660-668

2007. Petchey, O. L., Z. T. Long & P. J. Morin. The consequences of body size in model microbial systems. Pages 245-265, in A. Hildrew, D. Raffaelli, and R. Edmonds-Brown (eds.) Body size; The structure and function of aquatic ecosystems. Symposium of the British Ecological Society. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge .

2008. Morin, P. J. 2008. Sex as an antiviral strategy. PNAS 105: 15639-15640.

2009. Price, J. E. and P. J. Morin. Community convergence in a simple microbial food web. Ecological Research 24: 587-595.

2009. Banerji, A. and P. Morin. Phenotypic plasticity, intraguild predation, and inducible defenses in an enigmatic polymorphic ciliate. Functional Ecology 23 : 427-434.

2009. Thomas Bell, Robert I. Griffiths, Jennie McLaren, Marcel van der Heijden, Mark O. Gessner, Peter J. Morin, Wim van der Putten. Microbial biodiversity and ecosystem functioning under controlled conditions and in the wild. Pages 121-133, in Naeem, S. D. E. Bunker, A. Hector, M. Loreau, and C. Perrings, eds. “Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An Ecological and Economic Perspective”. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

2009. Jennifer Adams Krumins, John Dighton, Dennis Gray, Rima B. Franklin, Peter J. Morin, and Michael S. Roberts. Soil microbial community response to nitrogen enrichment in two scrub oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management 258:1383-1390.

2010. Petchey, O., Peter Morin, and Han Olff. The topology of ecological interaction networks: the state of the art. Pages 7-22 , in Verhoef, Herman A. and P. J. Morin (editors). Community Ecology: Processes, Models, and Applications. Oxford University Press.

2010. Peter Morin. Emerging Frontiers of Community Ecology. Pages 193-201, in Verhoef, Herman A. and P. J. Morin (editors). Community Ecology: Processes, Models, and Applications. Oxford University Press.

2010. Verhoef, H. and P. J. Morin. Introduction. Pages 1-3, in Verhoef, Herman A. and P. J. Morin (editors). Community Ecology: Processes, Models, and Applications. Oxford University Press.

2010. Beckerman, A. O. L. Petchey, and P. J. Morin. 2010. Adaptive foragers and community ecology: linking individuals to communities and ecosystems. Functional Ecology 24:1-6.

2011. Peter J. Morin. Community Ecology, Second Edition. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 407 pages.

2014. Banerji, A. and P. J. Morin. Trait-mediated apparent competition in an intraguild predator-prey system. Oikos 123:567-574.

2014. Vuong, H., Charlie Canham, Dina M. Fonseca, Dustin Brisson, Peter J. Morin, Peter E. Smouse, Richard S. Ostfeld. Occurrence and transmission efficiencies of Borrelia burgdorferi ospC types in avian and mammalian wildlife. Infection, Genetics, and Evolution 27:594-600.

2014. Andrea Egizi, Peter J. Morin, and Dina M. Fonseca. Unraveling microbe-mediated interactions between mosquito larvae in a laboratory microcosm. Aquatic Ecology 48:179-189.

2016. Griffin, Eric. M., Brian Traw, Peter J. Morin, Jonathan N. Pruitt, S. Joseph Wright, & Walter P. Carson. Foliar bacteria and soil fertility mediate seedling performance: a new and cryptic dimension of niche differentiation. Ecology 97: 2998-3008.

2016. Faillace, Cara A. and P. J. Morin. Evolution alters the consequences of invasions in experimental communities. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1: 0013 (2016). DOI: 10.1038/s41559-016-0013.

2017. Holly B. Vuong; Grace S. Chiu; Peter E. Smouse; Dina M. Fonseca; Dustin Brisson; Peter J. Morin; Richard S. Ostfeld. Influences of Host Community Characteristics on Borrelia burgdorferi Infection Prevalence in Blacklegged Ticks. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0167810. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0167810.

2017. Eric A. Griffin, S. Joseph Wright, Peter J. Morin & Walter P. Carson. Pervasive interactions between foliar microbes and soil nutrients mediate seedling leaf dynamics in a tropical forest. New Phytologist 215(5). (DOI) – 10.1111/nph.14716. pages 1-14.

2018. Faillace, Cara A., Joshua S. Caplan, Jason C. Grabosky, and Peter J. Morin. Beneath it all: size, not origin, predicts belowground competitive ability in exotic and native shrubs. J. Torrey Bot. Society 145:30-40.

2020. Faillace, C. A. and P. J. Morin.  Evolution alters post-invasion temporal dynamics in experimental communities. J. Animal Ecology 89:285-298.

2020. Kruger, A. and P. J. Morin. Predators induce morphological changes in tadpoles of Hyla andersonii. Copeia 108: 316-325.

2022. Arancibia, P. A. and P. J. Morin. Network topology and patch connectivity affect dynamics in experimental and model metapopulations. J. Anim. Ecol. 91 (2): 496-505.  DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13647

2022. Faillace, C. A., R. L. Grunberg, and P. J. Morin. Historical contingency and the role of post-invasion evolution in alternative community states. Ecology103(7): 1-15.

2024. Huang, T., P.J. Morin, and S. Ruane. “The impact of anthropogenic disturbance and climate change on the distribution of Dekay’s brown snake (Storeria dekayi)”. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society